A one night stand?

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Eric's pov

I bring my twin sister Miranda to Nashville for a visit. "What do you wanna do, little sis?" I constantly tease her about being born first. She slugs my shoulder. And damn can that girl punch! "Let's hit the bars! Get drunk and be somebody tonight!" She cries, dancing to imaginary music. Yep, that's my sister. She's such a huge country music fan and loves Nashville. She doesn't even know I'm close friends with some of her favorite artists. I smile and ruffle her hair. "Fine let's hit the bar."

Jason's pov

Eric walks in with his girl. I haven't seen this chick around but man is she hot. "Eric, you are scorin' tonight man." Luke gasps, patting his back. He glares angrily at him and stomps his foot. "Dude! That's my sister!" He shouts. "Whoops! Sorry!" His sister. Hm. Then they ain't dating obviously. I might have a shot. She's staring at me and Luke wide eyed. She must be a fan. "Eric, we need to talk!" She cries, grabbing his arm. He laughs as she drags him away.

Eric's pov

"You did this on purpose didn't you?" She snaps. I laugh again and nod. "Ya wanna get Mr. Jason Aldean's autograph?" I tease. She turns dark red. She's a huge fan. "Shut up." She grumbles, nonchalantly looking back at them. Him and Luke are talking while sitting at the bar. "I'm so nervous." She mumbles. I smirk and push her back over there.

Miranda's pov

I nervously sit at the bar beside Jason. "Aw ya came back." He says, smiling and taking a whiskey shot. "Y-Yeah. Eric didn't tell me we were hanging out with his friends... Hell he didn't tell me what we were doing!" "You must be a fan." "That obvious?" He laughs and nods. The bartender pours another shot. "Buy ya a drink?" He asks. "Sure." I get a shot too. "Cheers to a good country song." He says, holding his glass. "And to another long work week gone." I reply, clinking my glass with his. He laughs and downs the shot.

*the next day*

I wake up with no recollection of last night but I see Jason pulling his jeans on. Oh. My. God! Did that really happen last night?! Well I definitely got drunk and became somebody. "You're just leaving?" I gasp, staring at him. "Eric is gonna kill me if he finds out!" He says, staring at the floor. "Last night wasn't supposed to happen. We got drunk." I don't even remember last night. "Don't tell Eric." I nod and watch him leave. I sigh sadly. I wish it could've been more than just getting drunk.

Jason's pov

I don't think she'll tell Eric. I'm in the clear. I meet up with Luke at his house. "Hey man, where'd ya go last night?" I tense up. There's no way I can tell him. He'll tell Eric and I'd be screwed. Just then Eric drives up and oh jeez so does she. This is gonna be awkward. When she looks up, she sees me and her eyes get wide. Oh man, I so wish last night didn't happen. "Hey guys, ready for tonight's show?" I pull my stare away from her. "Yeah man, can't wait. Should be epic." I force myself to say. Eric doesn't notice but Luke eyes me weird. He knows something is up.

Eric's pov

I look at my sister and Jason. They both are acting weird. "Girl you okay?" I ask. She quickly nods, looking at Jason worriedly. "Ok what's going on here?" I ask, my hands on my hips. "Nothin'. I gotta go get ready for tonight." Jason says, heading for his truck. I watch him leave super confused. "Yeah we're gonna go too." I say, still staring at Miranda. We get in my truck. "What the hell just happened? And don't say nothing." I snap, glaring ahead. " but it is nothing. We just got a little drunk last night." She mutters. "And....." I say, slowly. "Nothing. Leave me be!" She snaps, glaring at me.

Jason's pov

Man, I feel awful about last night. I know she feels terrible. I've never been one to leave a girl hanging. But that's Eric's sister. He'll flip. Maybe I shouldn't care what he thinks though. She's her own person. I get to the show, finding Eric and Luke. "Hey, Chief where's your sister?" I ask, trying not to sound nervous. I hate to say this but I want to repeat last night. I really think it wasn't a mistake. It wasn't just a one night stand. "She was grabbing a beer." He says. I nod and go to the beer cooler.

Miranda's pov

"Hey." I nearly jump outta my skin. I turn around, dreading who I know is behind me. I'd know that voice anywhere since I listen to it all the time. "Hey." I mumble, staring at the ground. "Are you.... Uh.... Doing okay?" He asks, worriedly. I nod, shakily and dare look up at him. "Jason, I think we should talk about last night." He nods. "We definitely should. Let me start out by saying I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten that drunk with a hot girl around." Wow he thinks I'm hot. That only makes my face flush with red. He smiles. I look away. "I should tell you....." He starts. I look at him, waiting but instead of talking, he closes the distance between us and presses his lips to mine, a hand slipping easily around my waist. "Last night was awesome." He whispers, pulling away, his lips barely an inch from mine. I stare at him shocked. "I know I shouldn't say this but ya wanna come home with me tonight?" I'm speechless. "It wasn't just a drunk night?" I whisper. "No it was much more than that." He says, kissing me again. "What about Eric?" He glances over his shoulder. "Well... We'll have to keep it a secret, now won't we?" I smile. "I think so." I whisper, kissing him again, my arms wrap around his neck, his fingers in my hair. "We... Shouldn't do this." I whisper. "Yes we should. I don't have sex with a girl then leave her hangin'." A few minutes of us making out, and he has to go for the show. "I'll take you home tonight babe." He kisses me again then heads to the stage. Wow, Jason likes me. I walk backstage where Luke and Eric are hanging out. "Hey there ya are sis. You were gone for a long time." Eric says. "Yeah just hangin' around." I mumble. "Burnin' it down." Luke adds, jokingly. Oh man, that's weird.


Jason finds me backstage. "What do I tell Eric?" I ask. "I don't know... But we better think of something cause here he comes."

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