Bad At Titles

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Miranda's pov

"We may not be around in 20 years but they're sure gonna know we were here!" He sings onstage. "Yeah they're sure gonna know we were here." Me and Sierra dance in the front row. Jason holds a hand out and pulls me onstage. "Yeah people talk girl, ya know damn well, when they got a good tale to tell well let's give 'em somethin' they ain't never seen, a little rated R redneck dream." He winks at me. I smile and he twirls me, me leaning against his chest.


He, Eric, and Luke clink beers together. "To touring together!" Jason shouts. "To being best friends." Luke shouts. Eric smiles. "To finding true love." He says. Jason glances back at me. I smile and lift my coke in the air. "Ditto to that." I say, putting a hand on Jason's shoulder. He smiles and wraps an arm around my waist. "You guys are wanted for an encore!" A stagehand calls. "Be right out." Eric says. "I guess we got an encore to do." Jason says, kissing me. "Hurry back!" I call, waving. He chuckles and nods, grabbing his guitar. I hear them singing the only way I know. I sigh in contentment.

Jason's pov

Luke grabs the mic to sing his part and trips over the mic stand. Uh oh. I grab his arm to keep him from falling. Oh shit! I lose my balance too and we both topple to the ground. Luke laughs. "I'm not the only clumsy one." He says into the mic. I roll my eyes and snatch the mic. "That's the last time I try to save your drunk ass from falling. And that's the only way I know." Everybody laughs. Eric takes the mic. "I think it's time to take y'alls drunk asses home." I roll my eyes and stand up. Standing onstage beside Eric is my crazy girlfriend. Eric stands with a smirk and his arms crossed. "Hey cowboy, you're just hangin' around?" I smirk and dust myself off. "Burnin' it down." I joke. Sh holds a hand out and pulls me back onstage. As soon as I get back on solid ground, she kisses me, making me lose my mind again and my solidarity. I clasp her arms tightly and close my eyes. Wow. That's my girl. Always catching me by surprise. I fumble for the mic that's in my back pocket. "My girlfriend everybody" I gasp. I walk backstage with her hand in my back pocket.

Eric's pov

I lean an arm on the mic stand. "Man that guy." Luke says, getting back onstage. "That girl." I mutter, smirking. "She's your sister dude." He replies walking backstage. I follow and stop short. They're making out. I roll my eyes and Luke laughs. "Yo cowboy, get a room before you undress my sister!" I shout. They both pull apart bright red. "Ha ha very funny chief!" She shouts. I laugh and high five Luke. Suddenly a high heeled shoe is hurled at my head. "Huh?" I gape. "Nice one babe." He says, high fiving her. I roll my eyes.

Jason's pov

"Maybe we should take his advice." I have whispered in my ear. I turn around to her, caught off guard. "You know you just get hotter everyday baby." She rests her hands on my shoulders, standing on a bench. What's she- before I even finish the thought she jumps on my back. "Whoa!" I gasp, caught by surprise. She laughs. "Let's get outta here! Onward!" She gasps, pointing to the door. "I guess I'll be seeing you boys." They're laughing hysterically. I walk out to my truck and I set her down. We drive back to my place and not long after getting inside, she kisses me again. I pick her up, her legs wrapping around my waist. "Let's go upstairs babe."


"Man, I'm glad my brother is cool with us." She mumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. I smile. "That's for sure. If he didn't I'd have run away with you and disappeared." She opens one eye with a smirk. "You really would do that?" "I would. For you baby." I prop my head on my hand and kiss her. My phone rings making me jump. "Jeez!" I mutter, rubbing my head. I hit the headboard when the phone rang. She laughs slightly and answers my phone. "Hey what are you doing?" I gasp, reaching for it. She laughs and moves further away. "Okay, Mike, he'll be there." My eyes go wide. "Girl, what are you-" she puts a finger up, trying not to laugh. Oh she's gonna get it. "Yep, see ya tomorrow." She hangs up. "What did you do?" "Oh nothin', Mike needs ya in the studio tomorrow." I grip her around the waist and hold her against the pillows. I smirk and kiss her gently. "Ya know, Mike will never let me live this down." I say. She laughs. "I know." She says, smirking that smartass smirk. Her hands are pinned down as I kiss her. "You make me look like a fool sometimes." She laughs and says, "I know." Again. I roll my eyes.

*the next day*

I get to the studio and Mike fires up the recorder. "Great show last night." He says, smiling. "It sure was except for maybe fall- hey wait a minute, you're talking about when Miranda answered my phone!" He laughs hysterically and nods. "Jackass." I mutter. Then my phone rings, my ringtone being Brad's celebrity. "We'll be real world bachelors, jackass, millionaires, hey hey Hollywood here we come!" Mike laughs his butt off. I roll my eyes and answer it. "Hello, asphalt cowboy speaking." "Hello? Is this Jason, Jason Aldean?" "Yeah. Who's this and how'd you get my private number?" "I'm sorry to bother you sir but there's a ten year old girl with cancer and her last wish was to meet you." Oh man. Poor kid. "The make a wish foundation will pay for transportation and any other-" "No need. I don't mind. Just give me the time and place and I'll be there." "Thank you sir. It means the world to her." "No problem. She deserves it." I hang up with a heavy heart. I hate when my fans are suffering. Poor kid. I'll make her last wish come true.

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