Ignoring the big brother

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Jason's pov

I go back home. But the house is big and lonely without my girl to fill it with laughter and happiness. I can't stand Eric for taking her away from me. I punch the wall in fury. "You stupid piece of shit!" I scream. "You can't...." I punch the wall again, "tell her who she can and can't date!" I grab a chair and throw it. I'm so mad. I pull out my pocket knife as the door opens. Luke! "Go the hell away. I ain't in the mood!" I shout at him. "What the heck is going on?" "Damn Eric." I mutter sitting on the couch, stabbing the knife into the arm of the couch. "What did he do?" He asks. "Nothin'. Just leave me alone." I grumble, glaring at the ground.

Miranda's pov

I sit at home, listening to Blake Shelton's neon light on repeat in tears. I turn over on my side sobbing. Sierra comes over to comfort me. "I just don't know what to believe. He says he loves me but when Eric took me away, he didn't fight for me." I lay my head in her lap as I cry. "I don't know what to tell you. I don't know them personally." She says, playing with my hair because she knows that calms me down. Then my phone rings. I shoot up! "It's Jason! What do I do?" I cry. "At least give him a chance to explain." She says. I nod and answer the phone. "Hey, Jason." I say quietly. "Oh Babe thank God you answered. What Eric said is not true! You know that." I do. I don't know why I believed Eric even for a second. I smile, tears forming in my eyes. "Of course baby, I know. I just wish I was still in Nashville with you. I miss you so much." "I was worried for a second that you didn't believe me." "No, Eric's just being an ass." "Gimme your address and I'll drive over there tonight. Eric ain't gonna have to know." "Oh man, Jason your backwoods redneck talk. It so turns me on." He laughs. "Wait til I get there first baby." I give him my address. After we hang up, I scream in happiness. I'm crazy for believing Eric. Of course Jason loves me. "Whoa girl, what was that scream for?" Sierra cries, running in the room. "Jason's coming over. I knew he loved me." I cry, hugging her. She smiles. "You get your man." She says, "I'll get outta y'alls hair but I wanna hear all about it tomorrow."

Jason's pov

I'm about to head out the door when Luke and Eric are waiting for me. Uh oh. "What's up guys?" I ask, trying not to get pissed at Eric. But I can't stop myself, I lunge at Eric my hands tightening around his neck. "You took my girl!" I growl, tightening my grip. Someone calls my name. I shake my head a little and I'm standing in the doorway again, not choking him. I must have been imagining that. "You better leave my sister alone." He gripes. I just stay silent. "Jason, we're your friends. What happened earlier?" "Eric knows damn well what happened." I mutter, walking passed them to my truck. "Where are you going?" Eric asks, eyeing me suspiciously. "None of your damn business." I grumble. "It is my business if it's my sister." "So what. You aren't the boss of me." I growl, driving away.

Miranda's pov

Jason texts me.

J: on my way. Rain into a little slow down though.

M: uh oh what?

J: the brotherly kind.

M: oh jeez what happened?

J: I'll explain when I get there.

Thank goodness he's coming. I want to see him so bad. I hear a truck pull up in the driveway. I wring my hands in anticipation. I hear footsteps, walking to the door. I can't wait. He opens the door but my hands fall to my sides in shock. It's not Jason! It's Dad! Uh oh. Eric must've told him crap. Eric texts me.

E: I'm doing this for your own good. You don't know him like you think you do.

M: go to hell Eric!! Stay out of my love life!

"Come on hun let's go." Dad says. "No you can't make me!" I yell, hoping Jason will get here in time. "Please dad. Eric doesn't know what he's talking about. He loves me and I love him." "I'm sorry sweety but Eric knows this guy better than you do." I call Jason. "What's wrong hun, I'm driving up there now!" "My dad!! He's trying to take me away so you can't see me. Eric told him a bunch of crap!" "Damn Eric, I'm seriously gonna wring that guy's neck." He gripes. "What did he tell him?" I put it on speaker. I look at dad, waiting for an answer. "He said you do this all the time. You pick up chicks from bars but you don't really care about them." My dad says. "Eric's a liar." I gripe, but Jason's quiet. I stare at the phone worried. "Right Jason... He is lying?" "Well.... No.... But this time it's different. I swear... I do care about you." "Then why didn't you fight for me when Eric took me away?" I whimper, close to tears. "I couldn't fight your brother. I didn't want you to see Eric get his ass beat. I mean he is your brother and all... But trust me I was two seconds from doing it. I swear baby I love you." "I know Jason. Just hurry and get here. I miss you." "I miss you too babe, I'm on my way." We get off the phone so he can drive safely. I stare at my dad hoping and praying he'll believe him. He crosses his arms. I can tell he's thinking hard.

Jason's pov

I have to hurry. I don't know what her dad plans on doing. I just hope he believes me.

*2 hours later*

I finally reach her house in Carolina. I run inside. "Babe?" The house is silent, only scaring me more. "Oh man, she's gotta be here." I mumble, running into the living room. "Are you here?" She appears at the foot of the stairs. Thank God. "Y-You're here!" I gasp, staring at her. If I thought she was hot before, she's drop dead gorgeous now. "W-Wow baby, y-you look beautiful." She comes down the stairs. "Thanks. My dad thankfully gave you a chance!" She says. "Eric's gonna get his ass kicked when we get home." I say, hugging her. "I love you Jason." She whispers, kissing me softly. I deepen the kiss. "I love you too baby." My hands rest on her hips as we make out. I pick her up, her legs wrap around my waist. "Eric is so gonna lay into me for this but baby I don't even care anymore." She pulls free. "I don't want you two to fight because of me. I love you Jason but I love Eric too. He's my brother." "We can just keep our relationship a secret like before! We can even stage a break up in front of him." "No, I don't want to decept him, Jay." I think for a second. "Ok, how about this tomorrow we go back to Nashville and prove to your brother I ain't just usin' you." "Yeah I can't believe he said that." "It ain't true babe." "I know."

Eric's pov

Me and Luke hang out at the bar. I'm so annoyed. I know for a fact where Jason was going. "What's got you in a bad mood?" Luke asks. "Isn't it obvious?" I snap, glaring at him. "Jeez seems like both of y'all are jumping at me!" He mutters annoyed. "Sorry Luke. I'm not meaning to take it out on you. I just have a bad gut feeling that right now as we speak, Jason is doing my sister right now." "It's probably a twin thing." Luke mutters jokingly. I glare at him furious. "I don't like this. He's just with her to get laid." "How do you know? I believe there's a true love out there for everyone. Maybe it just happens to be your sister that settles that crazy cowboy down." "I don't want it to be my sister."

Jason's pov

She lays her head on my chest, my arm wrapped around her. "I missed you." She whispers. "I missed you too. Let's never be apart again." I reply, kissing her head. "I dread talking to Eric." She says, sitting up. "I don't care what Eric thinks. Nothin' is gonna change how I feel. And I'll fight til my last breath." "Oh, Jason, you're such a romantic!" I smile and sit up too. "That's just me, a redneck romeo." She laughs. "And I'm your tan legged Juliet." She says, kissing me. My arms wrap around her waist instantly. I don't care if Eric gets mad. He isn't the boss of her and it isn't like all the other girls I had one night stands with. She's different. She wasn't just one night.

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