Brotherly Bonding And Baby Names

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Miranda's pov

I'm four months pregnant and I feel bad because I've been snapping at Jason and Eric. He's been at the studio all day but when he gets home, I've got a surprise put together. I made dinner and cleaned the house. But I think cleaning the house is part of my pregnancy craze. I look at myself in the mirror, smoothing my long black dress I put on. Ugh thanks to this stupid pregnancy, I've gotten so fat.

Jason's pov

"Ugh I hate being pregnant!" Crap! I open the door. She turns around wearing a black dress. Whoa! "Hun, you...... You look-" "Fat! Ugly please I know!" She shouts, crying. I walk over. "No. I was gonna say beautiful." I gasp. A tear rolls down her cheek. "Really?" "Of course. The dress fits you perfectly." "Jason, I'm sorry I've been such a snappy pregnant bitch... I made dinner to make up for it." "Baby you haven't been a bitch. I understand. It's okay." I hug her tight and we go to the kitchen where she made dinner. "It's great hun."

*a few weeks later*

The doctor moves the wand around on her stomach. "There's the baby's foot." He says. "Ok, you're carrying a healthy baby girl. Congratulations." Her hand gets tighter around mine. "A little girl, oh Jason, can you believe it!" I smile and kiss her. "I can't wait princess."

Eric's pov

Me and Sierra were watching a movie at home with popcorn and beers when the door swings open. My little sister runs in and hugs us both. Huh? What's going on? "Eric I'm having a little girl!" She shouts. "Wow sis, that's great!" I gasp, caught off guard. Jason walks in. "Man, for a pregnant woman you sure can run!" He gasps, breathless. I laugh and so does she. "Spreadin' the joy!" She says, running over and hugging him. He stumbles back caught off guard, making me laugh.


The girls are hanging out while me and Jason shoot at targets with rifles. "Pull." He says aiming. I let it fly and he shoots it. It shatters. "Yeah! Score one for the cowboy." He says. "So a little girl." I say, loading up for another. "Yep. And she's gonna be a daddy's girl, I'm gonna make sure of it." He says, reloading his rifle. "Pull." I let another fly and he shoots it too. "We've got two names to pick from. Just can't decide though." "What are the names?" "Ali Grace or Anna Marie." I rub my chin thinking and pick up my rifle. "Pull." I say. He lets it fly this time and I shoot and miss. "Damn." I mutter. "You got it man." He jokes. "Screw you." I say laughing. "What can I say? I'm an avid gun toter." I laugh. "You?" He nods and pulls his jacket aside to reveal a six barrel pistol! "Dude, you carry a loaded gun around?!" I gasp surprised. "It ain't loaded. Bullets are in my pocket." Wow. Didn't see that coming. "Protection. Ya never know what might jump out at ya on the mean streets of Nashville. If I were you I'd carry one too." I doubt I will. I suck at shooting as been proven here. "I can't. I suck at shooting." I say, glaring at the rifle. "Well I could help ya if you want." I shake my head. "I'm fine." "Ok look at it this way. You and Sierra are walkin' down the street and some guy jumps out with his own gun. You're shot dead boy. Or... You could be at a Mexican stand off and be the first one to fire and live to fight another day." I stare hard at the rifle. He's right. I look over at him. "Alright, Jason. Teach me to shoot." "It will be my honor." He says, bowing.

Miranda's pov

"Wow would ya look at that." Sierra says. Huh? "What?" I ask, walking over. She points out the window. Jason's holding a gun and showing Eric how to use it. Wow. He walks over and sets up targets.

Eric's pov

"I hold it like this?" I ask, trying to figure this out and I accidentally pull the trigger! It hits right into Jason's back!! He completely freezes. "Shit!! Jason, are you okay!" He holds up a hand. "I... Ow... I'm fine. Bullet proof vest... God still hurts though." Whoa. Why would he need to wear a bullet proof vest? Who cares. It saved his life just now. "I am so sorry man." "Its fine. I'm fine. I've always worn a bullet proof vest. Anytime I work with guns. Ya just never know." He says, wincing. "Are you sure you're alright?" He laughs. "Eric calm down man. The bullet didn't even hit me!"


Jason's pov

"God you gave me a heart attack today." She says, sitting down. I rub her tense shoulders. "Why?" "I thought Eric shot you." "I'm fine baby." She turns on the TV to the new episode of the walking dead then cuddles into my chest so I wrap my arms around her waist, my hands against her stomach. "Hey baby I thought of something." "What's that?" "How about the names we picked. We combine them." She turns around wide eyed. "Like what?" I shrug. "How about Anna Grace or Ali Marie. Maybe Marie Grace. I don't know." She smiles. "I love that." "Which one?" "The first one. Anna Grace." I smile and kiss her. "Well then Anna Grace it is."

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