Waking up

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Eric's pov

In the past 3 days that she's been in a coma in the hospital, he hasn't left her room. The cops talked to him and he looked pretty ticked when they left. I walk in and he's still holding her hand and staring at her worried. "As long as that heart monitor is still going, she's still alive." He whispers to himself. "Jason, I was wrong about you guys." He doesn't take his eyes off her. "Eric I don't really care right now." He grumbles, standing up.

Jason's pov

Sitting in one place for so long is starting to drive me crazy. I walk over to the window as Sierra comes in bringing trays of food. "I bet you boys haven't eaten in a while." She says. I haven't but I don't care. "I'm not hungry." I lie. "Come on Jason, don't starve yourself." Eric says. I sigh and stare out the window unresponsive. I keep my hands in my pockets. "Eat something." He insists. I turn around annoyed. "Fine but only so you'll shut up." I grumble. I sit down. I wish it was me that fell off the roof. Not her. I wish it was me. Why couldn't it have been me?! "I hope she'll be okay." Sierra whispers, staring at the bed worriedly. "She has to be. I need her. I miss seeing her smartass grin and big blue eyes." I just realized they're both staring at me, oddly so I shut up and eat in silence.

*several weeks later*

Someone nudges my arm. "Jason?" A weak voice whispers, pulling me from my sleep, hearing my baby girl's voice. I jump up. "Baby, you're awake!" I cry, hugging her gladly. "Eric! Sierra! She's awake!" I call. They both run in. "What happened?" Tears fill my eyes. "I'm so sorry hun. The fire was all my fault! I was messin' with you and we forgot to turn the stove off." She puts a hand on my arm, making me go silent. "Calm down, Jay, I forgive you. I'm not mad." "Oh I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Miranda's pov

I'm shocked to see my cowboy crying. Eric walks over, smiling and ruffling my hair. I swat his hand away. "I'm gonna go get the doctor." Jason says, kissing me and leaving. Eric eyes him. "I... I was definitely wrong about you two. And I'm really sorry." I smile and hug him. "It's okay Eric." A few minutes later, Jason returns with the doctor. "How are you feeling, Mrs. Church." I can see that Jason, Eric, and Sierra are worried about me. "I'm doing much better doc. My arm is just a little sore." "Well you've been clear to be released. Just take it easy." I smile and look to Jason asking with my eyes to pick me up. He smiles softly. "Let's go." He says, picking me up. I lean my head into his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck.


We get to Eric's house. "You can stay here for as long as you want." He says, rubbing his hands together. "I just... I wanna say I'm sorry for being such an ass towards you and Jason. It's clear he does love you." I smile. "Thanks Eric." I say, hugging him. Just then Jason walks in and slings an arm around my waist, kissing me gently. He deepens it almost instantly. Eric walks out of the guest room and Jason shuts the door, leaning against it while we make out.


I rest my head against his chest. "Thanks for saving me Jason." I whisper. "But I couldn't save you. You fell." He mumbles, quietly. I sit up, resting my hand on his cheek. He stares at me sadly. "Don't blame yourself. Either way I'm not talking about that." He raises a brow in confusion. I smile and kiss him. "I mean for saving me from being alone." I whisper, my lips still against his. I start to pull away but he grabs me back. "Don't stop." He says, kissing me again and to my surprise it's the French version. I sit on his stomach while we make out with tongue and I don't want it to stop. He runs his fingers through my hair then grips my hair hard, his kiss just as hard. My hands rest against his chest. He slowly and teasingly slips his boxers off. I watch him. He smiles and kisses me again then lays me down.

Eric's pov

*the next day*

When I get downstairs, Jason's sitting at the table with 2 mugs of coffee in front of him. I'm a little confused as to why he has two. Miranda walks in behind me. "Already made your coffee, dear." He says. She smiles and kisses his head then takes the mug. "Aw just how I like it." She whispers after taking a sip. "Oh uh Eric I got biscuits in the oven for breakfast and I'm about to start on bacon so I've got breakfast covered." He says, turning around to look at me. "Oh... Ok thanks Jason." I'm a little surprised. He rests a hand over hers. "It's the least I can do after you saved mine and my girl's life." He says, kissing her forehead and lacing his fingers with hers. The biscuits get done and he pulls them out. He breathes in the warm aroma of a flaky homemade biscuit. "Aw, just like mama made 'em." He says. She stands up and swipes one. He smirks at her, watching her. She eats it and he grabs her waist. "You like that biscuit?" He asks, flirtatiously while kissing her neck. "More than anything." She whispers. "More than this." She moans softly. "Ok not more than that." He chuckles softly and lets go of her to work on breakfast. I smile and pour a cup of coffee for myself. Sierra is still asleep. I think I'm gonna like having Jason dating my sister.

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