Getting Drunk And Being A Father

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Miranda's pov

Me and Sierra were discussing wedding plans while Anna was fast asleep in the bassinet upstairs. "Ooh and maybe after they pronounce you husband and wife, purple flower petals should rain down from the roof!" She gasps. I love it! "This is so exciting!" I look down at my engagement ring. The boys are having a bachelor party.

Jason's pov

"Chug Chug Chug!" The guys chant. I finish it off with five seconds to spare. "Yeah!" Everyone cheers and I am so drunk! I completely lose my balance. Eric catches me. "Thanks buddy." I say. "Whatever you drunk moron." I laugh. "Hey I won! Pay up!" I call to Luke, trying to regain my footing. "Ya never lose Aldean." He says, pulling out a twenty.

Miranda's pov

"Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue! Sweet home Alabama Lord I'm comin' home to you!" "Who's that?" Sierra gasps. She runs to the door as it opens. Jason stumbles in completely drunk off his ass. Eric walks in seconds later. "He uh was in a bunch of drinking games. "Holy hell I'm plastered!" He gasps, collapsing to the couch. "Eric! Why did you let him drink so much?" I gape. "I told him to stop!" Eric defends. He starts singing sweet home Alabama again really loudly. "Stop!" I cry covering his mouth. He is so drunk. "You gonna be okay sis?" He asks worriedly. I glare at my fiancé. "He won't be if he wakes the baby up." I say, crossing my arms. He grabs my shirt and makes me sit down as they leave. "I don't think I've ever seen you so drunk." He starts singing a beer version of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer! "Crimity you drunk idiot!" I gasp, taping his mouth shut. He eyes me oddly. "What? You wouldn't be quiet! Our daughter is sleeping upstairs. If you wake her, you have her. Now I'm gonna remove the tape." I say, carefully. "Are you gonna be quiet?" He looks like he's thinking then he shrugs. I tear off the tape and he screams in pain. "Yow!" I sigh. "You need to be quiet!" I gasp, desperate. "You're gonna get it now for that!" He gasps, grabbing my arms and standing up. He stares at me for the longest time then kisses me. "Jason, stop you're drunk." I say. "So." He says, kissing my neck, making me giggle slightly. "Oh Jason!" I gasp. He chuckles and turns me back around. "Drunk or no, we're doin' it!" I laugh. "Yes master." I joke.

*the next day*

I hear groaning. I smile and walk out of the bedroom, cradling my one month old. "That'll teach you to drink so much." "Oh God my head feels like a sledgehammer is being smashed into it then it's being rolled over by a steamroller while Willie is shooting arrows at it." I laugh and sit on the chair to breastfeed Anna while he lays painfully on the couch. "Jeez babe don't do that to me." I look at him confused. "Do what?" "Whip out your boobs when I can't do jack." I glare at him. "I'm breastfeeding. God you're such a perv hungover and drunk." He strugglingly sits up. "Nah I'd be like this sober too." I roll my eyes. "Eric texted asking how you were doing and if you were up for a round of golf." He just stares at me. "Jason, stop staring at my breasts. God you're such a guy!" He laughs. "Uh isn't that a good thing?" I smile. "Ok Anna I'll feed you in the nursery daddy's being naughty." I say, standing up. "Wait baby don't go. I'll stop being weird." I sit back down. "Oh and no way I'm not goin' nowhere but the toilet to throw up. I feel like shit." I roll my eyes. I burp Anna. "Can I hold her when you're done?" "Yeah just lemme finish-" my sentence is cut short when she spits up all down my back. I sigh. "Here take her. Mama needs a break." I say, handing her over.

Jason's pov

Man I can't believe I have a baby and I'm getting married soon. Miranda goes upstairs. "Hey sweet girl, daddy's gonna take care of you forever and ever." I'm so glad I didn't run when she got pregnant. The beautiful brown haired blue eyed baby girl stares up at me with a big toothless grin.

Miranda's pov

I walk back out in a fresh shirt. I hear Jason singing country boy's world to Anna. I smile watching him, he's smiling and rocking her while singing and she's falling asleep. "I won't let nothin' happen to you baby girl." He whispers, kissing the sleeping baby's head. He stands up and sees me. "You're gonna be such a great father, Jason." He hugs me one handedly. "I'm so glad you got pregnant hun." This shocks me since he was super freaked out at first. He lays Anna down in the nursery. "How's the hangover?" "Better. Just seein' her smile at me was enough to make me feel better." I smile and hug him tight. "You're the best." I say. "No baby you are."


I wake up in bed alone. I'm confused. I get up and find him asleep in the rocking chair. His guitar in his lap and his other hand through the bars on Anna's back. I smile and take a picture to show him and the rest of my friends later. I kiss his forehead and he jolts awake but doesn't wake the baby. "Oh hey." He mumbles yawning and stretching. "Fell asleep in the nursery." He mumbles. I help him up. He wraps his arms around me and we stare down at the sleeping infant. "We did that." He whispers. "We sure did." I whisper back. "Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me." He kisses me softly on the lips. "Jason, I love you so much." "I love you too." We go lay down, me wrapped tightly in the arms of the man that saved me.

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