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Someone shook me. I opened my eyes sleepily. I jumped outside of the truck stretching.

"Good morning ladies" Issac said in sing sang voice.

"Me and Amy going to sleep. So you guys check out the mall" Issac said yawning widely. I instructed to lock it and lay low.

Everyone gathered around with their weapons.

I washed my face before picking up my axe.

"Ready" I said looking at mall.

I gaged on entering the mall.

"Gross. I have no idea how we are gonna clean this up" Teena said covering her nose.

"Okay we have to seperate and clean this mall before this sunset" Jack said looking at the carnage.

"Teena and Julie go with Ethan and Merlin you with me" Jack added.

I nodded .

"Okay be careful" I said to them before running behind Jack.

We took charge of first five storey. We entered into the lift.

Being alone with Jack felt awkward.

"Umm---" He cleared his throat.

"Iam sorry about being harsh to you" Jack apologised to me.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you really apologizing to me?" I asked pointing my index finger on my chest.

He ruffled his hair looking down.

"Hmm yeah .Dont jinx it " He said looking at me.

"I shouldn't have behaved to you like that" He said playing with his coat.
I can feel the tension in the air.
Both lift and my mouth opened at same time.

So i closed my mouth getting out. .

"Action time" I said rotating my axe.

jack chuckled before clearing his throat.


"Ummmm nothing" He said smiling.

I smirked turning around.

Now we are in the first floor which is largest floor compared to others.
I checked out the map of the floor in the system.

"Its still working" I exclaimed checking the map.

I came to know the first floor is separated into dress section for kids,girls and women.
And it also have dress bouquet.

"So iam covering East and you West" I said picking up my machete .

"Be careful" Jack called after me.

"Yeah you too" I said swinging my machete.

I found there are two changing room and two more rooms kept locked.

I checked thoroughly the East wing and i came to the entrance of the first floor.

Jack came after a hour.

He gave thumbs up signalling everything is clear.

"Clear" I confirmed exiting the entrance into the lift with Jack.

Then we checked the other floors carefully.
So far no incident.

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