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"Leopold?" The teacher looked toward us, "And Jemma, do you have your assignment finished?"

"Yes we do and we prefer you just call us Fitz and Simmons, if that isn't a problem, professor." Fitz said next to me lowering his voice from confident to a little puppy.

"No problem, and shall we see your new device?" Professor Vaughn asked us. We both awkwardly got up to stand before the class.

"Hello everyone, our device we created was around the lines of 'a look into another room."

I spoke up after his introduction, "The Magic Window is a creation with 165 small S-band antennae embedded inside of a plasmatic sheet which allows the user to see through solid objects, such as a wall."

"I couldn't of said it better." Fitz whispered to me as the class clapped. "Do you want to the honors?" He asked and I nodded my head with a smile.

"Professor Vaughn I hope you don't mind us using your white board," she shook her head, "so here we have Fitz on the other side of this board and here we have The Magic Window which lays securely on the board with infinite sticking material." I pressed against the board to ensure its securely on and I pressed a small button which turns on the small device.
The screen shows a silhouette  of Fitz's infrared output. The class went ecstatic at our assignment. Fitz came back around the board to give me a high five and face the class. Our professor gave us her look of approval and we removed our self from the center stage of the room.

"What if agents actually use this?" Fitz excitedly asked me.

I smiled, "you could save so many lives someday Fitz."

"But with you by my side too, yeah?"


"Oh c'mon Fitz, let's order pizza."

"No I am really feeling burgers and you got to choose where we went on our day off last week." He whispered as we stood in the school's entrance. Silly Fitz think he has the choice here.

"Pizza, Fitz, pizza!"

"Je-Simmons, don't even start with me." He crossed his arms, "I'm takin' us to get burgers, we will get pizza later this week."

"I'm not taking no for an answer Fitz, I'm just gonna go order it and eat it myself." I mocked his own actions and crossed my arms with a smirk.

"Let's go get pizza." He sighed as I took him by the hand to guide him to my car which was parked on the other side of the dimmed parking lot.

"I knew you would say yes."

"Of course you did."

"You would make us get bacon on the pizza." I said after our waitress walked away.

"You picked the food, I got to pick what goes on the food."

"Oh you big baby." I laughed as he smiled from his glass, "I never pegged you as a 'beer' guy"

"Yeah, I drink on rare occasions I guess."

"And what occasion is this?" I asked with a smirk.

"Kicking everyone else's ass on the assignment.

"We should toast to that." I said holding up my water cup and he followed with his bottle.

"To kicking ass with our mind." He said laughing, and I did too. Leo–or I guess Fitz–has an odd sense of humor which never failed to make me laugh.

"You know what we should make next?" He asked, I looked up from my water imposing the question 'what.'

"We should make that gun I have told you all about. You know I always mention it to you but we never had the chance to fully create an 'icer' gun." He looked at me again, "what do you think, Simmons."

"Whenever you need me, I'm here." I said taking another sip of my water. His face lit up and he had a large smile from ear to ear. I think he has a very smart idea with the temporary sterilizing pistol. I have knowledge of how to work with dendrotoxins which is exactly what he needs for the pellets. I'm quite vital to the creation of this pistol if I do say so myself.

"I'm gonna hold you to that."

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