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I slowly started to remember the first day that I met Fitz. Freshmen at the academy, we were. He sat right behind me in intro to complex sciences and he didn't say a word but he was always, in my opinion, the smartest and most handsome kid in the room. But now that I think of it he had always considered me the smartest kid to pass through the academy but everyone begs to differ.

Poor kid always got teased by the older students because he was so shy and too smart for their liking. There was nothing wrong with being those 2 characteristics but it seemed to have given them the perfect entrance to pick on him. Fitz was 23 and he still couldn't find the courage to stand up to manly idiots. Fitz didn't talk to anyone under a 170 IQ, it seemed. I swear that Fitz was always making something new to present to the class, always getting praised of course. He always seemed to catch my attention.

Last day of the first semester, Fitz just walked into class, I smiled at the hesitant boy. His face lit up immediately, I still remember that small smile on his face. That smile lasted about 4 seconds before his sworn enemies came into class to prank him with an automatic whip-cream gun. The embarrassment on his face was the most depressing thing I have ever seen in my life. He kept to himself, didn't say a thing, he just got up and left. And right behind the sweater-wearing, soft-spoken, genius, was I, following his trail.

If I didn't follow him that day, I never would've met Leo Fitz.

I remember waiting outside of the men's restroom as he cleaned himself up, I thought. Leo walked out of the restroom, tear stained cheeks turned an even brighter red when he saw me. His words stuttered as he tried to ask me why I followed him. He was so nervous around me and I remember just wanting to wrap my arms around him because I knew he probably needed a hug, everyone always needs one.

I continued to talk to him throughout the day and then we started to spend more time together, in and out of class when the next semester started up. He became more comfortable around me to where he would actually walk into class with a smile, such a sweet smile, and would immediately start talking to me. His days were turned upside down, from scared to walk alone, to freely bringing up conversations. I finally found my new home in him as he did in me.

Months went on to what then turned into 2 years, me and Fitz side-by-side, everywhere. Inseparable. We were always studying together even though Fitz hated to be cooped up in a room for hours on end talking about a topic he knows the end of infinity about. We were always getting food, whether it was a cheap pizza place down town or some fast food. Fitz preferred burgers, even though I argued that pizza was the only option. Yet again, though, we always were arguing too; trying to fully comprehend each other's thinking process was always an argument away. By our current state in time, we still argue about whether long nose or flat nose cutters will cut small fibers but even then that is such a small argument compared to others. Arguing was in our nature, that's how we get things done. I never realized, until now, I talk about Fitz a lot. Maybe it's just the way we can relate to each other or the way we are psychically linked (Fitz thinks we are completely different which makes us work so well together.) He couldn't be more wrong, besides the fact that we do work well together. I never ever wanted to admit it until now but I honestly---

And then suddenly a hand was smacked onto the desk in front of me. An array of faces looked straight at me with utter shock. The teacher stared straight into my eyes until I woke from my unconsciousness that was Fitz.

"How many times do I have to tell you Jemma, focus." The professor's words hurt my ears, they rang like the highest tuning fork.

"I'm so–"

"Don't let it happen again or you won't get your points for today." Another bullet to the eardrum.

I sat in silence for the rest of class, no answering questions, no correcting the teacher, no suggestions for topics to talk about. Silence. This side of the room has never been so quiet. Just me, in front of class, trapped in my thoughts.

When class finally let out I ran out to go escape to my dorm. I flopped on my bed with complete feeling of constriction. Should I call Aaron? Or Fitz? Or neither? Or both?

The universe always has its plans and someone knocked on my door. From the outside the voice called, "Hey Jemma, it's me Aaron, can we talk?"

I trudged over to the door and opened it, "what do we need to discus?"

"I have this feeling that you don't actually like me." He paused and looked at me for a sign, "I know we have talked about this but I feel like you aren't talking me the truth."

"Aaron I want to be more than friends." I blurted. What was wrong with me? The voice in my head shouted out to me ''do you know what you just did?"
Why did I say that, it wasn't true. I don't have true feelings for anyone, and if I do then I'm blind but my feelings weren't towards Aaron.

"You do?" He asked with disbelief, but his smile sealed everything. I couldn't fight it in any way, I think I'm unwillingly falling for him. But I can't. And I won't.

"Of course." I said trying not to over pitch my voice, I was already in too deep, I needed to ride this out.

"Are you sure? We don't have to be more than friends if you don't want t–"

"Please, Aaron don't make this hard." I said sounding like I was in actual pain to tell him that I liked him. He obviously didn't pick up on the psychological tell that I expressed towards him.

"Okay I won't, I better get–"

"–hey Jemma I just–" and in came rushing Fitz. His quirky smile was turned into a look of confusion as he took in his surroundings. Me + Aaron + Aaron smiling + Me confused = Fitz knowing what happened.

"Bye guys." Aaron then just left without saying another word. The door shut and that is when Fitz completely pounced on me with questions

"Jemma, what did you do?"

"I don't know Fitz."

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