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Part 2

July, 14th

"So you're telling me that your cat ran away as soon as you got home?" Fitz laughed as we sat in chairs next to the main hall's fireplace.

"No joke, Allons-y ran away a day after I came back," I set down my water bottle, "I think he hates me because I named him Allons-y."

"I love Doctor Who, Jemma, but why would you do that to a cat." He said sarcastically sympathetic.

"I was 17!" I protested.

"You can't play that card Simmons, at that age, I think you should know not to name your cat Allons-y."

"You want to talk 'bout bad pet names? You named your fish Einstein, fish are some of the most unintelligent animals alive today."

"Okay fine, we're even." He gave up and put his hands up in defense.

"Have you gotten a job or thought about getting one?" I asked him

"I'm thinking about it but I just don't want to move on, it feels inadequate to say so but I never wanted to graduate."

"I feel the same way, Fitz, and I'm still living at home when I go back, it's just so much easier here at the academy." I said propping my head up on my hand

"It really is." He sighed.

"So what did you mean by your family wasn't too fazed to see you?" I asked and he over at me raising an eyebrow and looking confused, "on the phone?"

"Oh yeah," he rolled his eyes, "so I get home and my mom was watching tv, didn't even ask me about school or graduation at all, she only talked about this stupid tv show."

He leaned back a little bit an continued, "changing the subject was like trying to grab something but it moves every time. She just went back to the fact that her favorite designer was voted off of Project runway or whatever."

"That sounds awful, Fitz, I'm sorry." I said.

"Eh it's not that big of a deal anymore, I have always wanted to be here, during the summer, like when no one else is here." He told me.

"Yeah, it kind of like something you read out of a book, but I think we are abusing our freedom," he looked at me confused again. "We should be setting off fireworks, doing drugs in the main hall, taking food from the professors' vending machines, hitting the fire alarms, you know stuff like that."

"-so everything that people the complete opposite of us would do." Fitz pointed out.

"Precisely." I sighed throwing my head back.

"I never usually prank people but let's do something like that in the next few days." Fitz said sitting up in his chair.

"I got an idea."

July, 20th

Finally, Fitz and I had perfectly designed and tested the perfect prank for, mostly our's, fun. Our plan had been set up to take place at around 9:30 tonight, when darkness will be completely set around the academy. Our idea was that we would set off a Nitroglycerin bomb, which reacts with fire,  in front of professor Vaughn's room. Professor Vaughn has stayed at the academy through the summer every year and stays in the classroom for about the whole time. I think the professor might even sleep in there.

"Simmons can you pass me the case." Fitz said stuffing a t-shirt into his bag that laid on the small couch in my old room, which we had found my key for. Fitz had been staying in my room but I made him sleep over on the couch because he kicks and talks quietly in his sleep. But other than the couch and bed, the room was empty and completely cleared out after move out day.

"Here you go, do you know where my small flame sticks are?"

"What about matches Simmons? Matches?"

"The matches don't have enough power to start the coil, at the end, on fire." I said finding the package rolled up in my bag. With all of Fitz's stuff in here and mine, the room started to feel more homey.

"I guess that makes sense, we better get going, the room is on the other side of campus, and it's 9:17." Fitz said checking his watch.

"Okay let's go." I said grabbing my backpack, "Allons-y!" I yelled shutting the door behind me.

"Shut up, Simmons."

"Is this a good idea?" Fitz quietly panicked next to me, "I don't know if this is a good idea, we could get in so much trouble, what if we damage the hallway?"

"Fitz, Nitroglycerin bombs are the loudest but make the least amount of damage if any at all." I put my hand on his shoulder, "stop worrying."

"Okay so the room is right here, we have to just set the bomb there, light it with the flame stick," I took out the stick, "but be careful these are always loud when you light them."

"Keep it down Simmons, Vaughn is through that door way, right there," he said whispering and pointing to the small door just a few feet away.

Fitz walked ahead of me and grabbed the red stick from my hand. He peered around the small corner and gave me the thumbs up and he set the case down to start getting to work with the device. I don't even know how to describe what he did to set up the bomb but his hands were at work for about a minute before his hand reached for the flame stick.

"Who's out there, what are you doing?!" A voice yelled from inside. Fitz's eyes widened as he grabbed back up the materials and rushed down the hall right at my heels. I didn't even notice I was running until I came to a stop as we both continued our sprint right out the front door. Our feet did not stop until we were in the dead center of the shaded grove outside the academy campus. We both slowed a bit, our heads peering behind us frantically.

We stopped, dead in the middle of the woods, and started to laugh as hard as we could.

"Shh, shh, Simmons keep it down just in case." Fitz said still laughing and holding his stomach. I was about to drop into my knees; yes we didn't light the bomb and yes Vaughn had possibly seen us, but that was the best moment of my entire life.

"It sucks we didn't light it," Fitz said swinging the case up to look at it, "maybe we could-"

Without hesitation, I held up, to Fitz, another one of those small flame sticks. He looked over at me with a small smirk and grabbed it from my hand. Fitz set back up the bomb and lot the flare all in a few seconds. The bomb's metallic coil quickly sizzled and started to follow the line to the nitroglycerin reactor.

"Run!" Fitz said stomping out the flare and taking off beside me. We ran just as fast as before, and then we heard an ear-piercing explosion about 20 feet away. Now nothing was actually blown up but the noise itself could blow one's eardrums. After that, our excitement was practically done and we found ourselves traveling through the woods to get to our dorms.

When we got back to the room, Fitz and I had gotten ready to bed; the usual routine. And then he completely blacked out while in the middle of a conversation about some movie that we both must've seen. Fitz fell asleep on my couch with his face propped up against my brown, furry pillow and a water, that was once at hand, dripping onto his sweatshirt. It was so adorable to watch him sleep, his mouth would sometimes open to mutter things, his head laid on his own shoulder, and he crossed his arms. I got up out of bed and went to go sit next to him, trying not to make a sound with the creaky wood flooring. When I seated myself on the couch I leaned over to rest my head on his thigh.

I tilted my head to look up at him, "goodnight Fitz."

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