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I knocked on Fitz's door and read my watch closely. The time was just passed 9:00 and, knowing Fitz, he will be up till tomorrow.
He answered his door right away, his face was red and sweaty while his comfortable clothes were covered in grease and burns.

"Oh so now you knock?" He asked pettily.

"Oh don't even start that with me this late, Fitz." I said snapping back playfully.

"Come on in," he led me in, "and tell me, how was your date."

"It was nice." I said blankly, "He's a good guy."

"Sounds like you had one hell of a time." He said sarcastically.

"No, hey, it was fun." I reassured him.

"I mean cmon, just a restaurant? I would bring a girl on a first date to a museum or mini golf—"

"Fitz you hate mini golf." I laughed.

"Yeah, but you don't." He said.

"You are very right!" I smiled, "And a museum and a re—"

"—really nice cafe afterward." We both said at the same time. We laughed a little bit at ourselves.

"But really, if you want to sometime, we could go to a museum and I even know of a really cute café-type-place downtown right next to that engineering and science museum you have been bothering me to take you to." He said.

"I would absolutely love to!" I said with sheer excitement.

"We can go any day you want Simmons, just let me know." He said back smiling, "but anyway I finished the inner structure once again, this time with a bit larger handle and an easy magazine discarding maneuver."

"That is incredible Fitz, I'm so proud of you." I said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. I, was not too fazed, but Fitz's face. OMG, completely red as a foolish smile that I adore formed on his face.

"Well, looks like you have all of this done for tonight," I got up to walk towards the door indicating my departure, "I'll see you later, goodnight!" I said with a quick smile and a wave.

"Professor Hall, I have a quick question for you." I stated, approaching her after the last lesson of the day.

"What is it Simmons." She said kindly as I noted her use of my nickname.

"Fitz and I, but mostly Fitz, have been working on something."

"What kind of something?"

"A weapon, nothing to harm anyone here with, but one for agents." I fiddled with my hands, "how do you suppose we go about with this weapon."

"Well surely it has to be tested for error and then it will have to patented in the shield systems." She leaned forward, "I can get you the papers for patenting soon. What does this weapon do?"

"Sends a dendrotoxin pellet into the center of the subcutaneous where breaks apart causing temporary unconsciousness." I said trying not to sound too excited.

"Things come very hard for some people in this world," she leaned back in her chair, "You and Fitz are not those people."

"Thank you professor, just let me know when you have the papers, Fitz will be so excited!" I squealed exiting the room.

Aaron walked up to me as I was dazed with happiness so he completely caught me off guard. He looked just as unfocused as I did, class must be really hitting him hard.

"Jemma!" He called from in front of me.

"Oh, hi Aaron." I focused on him, "where ya heading?"

"Back to my dorm, you?"

"I was heading to a friends dorm but I think I'm just gonna head back to my room to read."

"Turning over for the night?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess."

"Jemma, it's only 4:30."

"Well I usually go back to my dorm around this time and watch some tv." I shrugged, "it never gets boring and I just lose interest in sitting around."

"I always have to be doing something, ya know?" He started to get excited, "I'm barely in my room, unless there's no party." He said starting to laugh a bit. I stayed silent trying not be too rude that it wasn't that funny if he was trying to make some kind of connection.

He sighed, "not much of partier?"

"That's a definite no."

We got to the entrance of the complex,
"Well I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Of course," I flashed a smile, "bye Aaron."

This day was winding down and I was quite tired. I held onto my books tightly and walked up to my room. I decided to phone my mum to see if she was back from her trip yet.

Entering my room, I fumbled around in my bag for my phone and called her up.

"Hi mum!" I said right away as I was connected to her.

"Jemma, sweetie!" She quieted down, "how are ya?"

"Doing good! I went on a date last Saturday." It was silent, "I was gonna phone you the day before for advice but you were traveling, how was it?"

"My trip was fantastic, you would've loved it!" She continued, "so who is the boy? It's not Leo is it?"

I smiled and laughed to myself, "no mum, Fitz is my best friend," I cleared my throat, "his name is Aaron, he majors in forensic science, and he is extremely kind."

"What else?" She asked

"Um–well–he is very smart, sits behind me in creative science, and he took me out for dinner." I kept thinking, "he's hard working, we kind of have some compatibility issues but we have fun together and he is so nice."

"He sounds great, and how's Leo?"

"Leo is great, he told me to tell you hi earlier." I smiled, "Him and I are making a weapon to be patented by SHIELD. Like, how amazing is that, he practically designed it himself."

"Wow that's amazing." My mom said shocked.

"But yeah he is doing great, Fitz and I have such a great time in our classes and we always go out to eat—"


"Yeah, his last name, he goes by Fitz and I go by Simmons." I said.

"Fitz-Simmons, how cute."

"Yeah." I said with a smile as we continued our conversation.

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