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"what is it?" I asked rounding the corner i was following him to. We were quite secluded and his expression didn't bring any sort of reassurance to my shaky conscious.

"Have I done something wrong Jemma?" He asked as if he had hurt me in any sort of way but the truth was, I was only hurting him.

"No absolutely not," I tried to smile, "you didn't do anything to me."

"Then why are you so distant?" He asked. That was it, it was the question, and the time to tell him what was really going on. But was I ready to be the heartbreaker? Was I ready to tell Aaron this? Our small relationship was just as small in time. What was it, 3 weeks? 2 and a half?

"I'm not sure!" I said laughing. I cursed myself, I cursed myself to even more weeks of continuous confusion and awkward feelings. I cursed myself with the gift of having someone like you while you feel the complete opposite.

"Okay then, maybe dinner again this weekend?" He asked. Dinner? I guess that is all we can do. I'm sorry that I don't prefer parties and that I don't prefer to spend the night sucking face. I really should take up Fitz's offer for a trip to the museum and coffee just so I can get a new feel of the town around us.

"Of course, Aaron, a dinner will be nice." I said trying to start my walk back to Fitz when he softly grabbed me back to place a kiss on my forehead. I smiled with such a crooked smile even though it wasn't the most pleasant feeling of having a guy show compassion towards me when I my feelings beg to differ.

I walked back to sit in front of Fitz, "So did you-"

I wanted to tell him I did, I just wanted to say to Fitz 'yes I really did end it with him, I'm done.' But I can't because I didn't.

I looked around at the desolate dining hall, not a single person here payed attention to the fact that tears slowly started to redden my brown eyes. Fitz took notice right away and moved from across to me, to right next to me. His shoulder was the best shoulder to lean on. He knew how sensitive I get about these sort of things, and how even more upset when I have to lie.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," he smiled down at me, "don't worry about anything Simmons"

"I wish it was that easy." I said looking back up smiling at him, my eyes were clear of soon-to-be tears and a smile replaced my frown.

"It can be."

"Boys are so complicated, are they all like this?" I laughed to Fitz who sat beside me.

"I for one can say they aren't all intimidating." He said.

"He isn't intimid–" He then started to give me a sarcastic look. "Okay fine, I find him sort of intimidating, that's perfectly normal."

"Simmons, you're fooling yourself." He patted me on the shoulder, "when you like a guy, you feel comfortable around them and they always make your day better, not worse."

"You're right."

"Simmons?" Professor Vaughn asked walking over to my desk as I realized my mind was obviously not in the classroom, possibly in space.

"Yes Professor?" I asked looking up to her.

She tapped a finger to her head, "focus." she then returned to her teaching stance as my mind then continued back to surpass our solar system, more attentive-looking to the professor. My mind wandered in which I was daydreaming. But about what? Fitz, and how we met, how we were immediately able to click and work together. I couldn't see myself being the way I am now without Fitz, the incredibly genius Leopold Fitz.

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