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Part 1

Fitz and I have kept our distance for the past few weeks. We haven't gone this long without talking to each other but it was something we couldn't help. Graduation had just came around and Fitz had left to go visit his family. I did the same, going to see my mother, and possibly getting to work on new theories. Fitz is somewhere, in Scotland, creating something and I can't help him. The pistol was never completely patented and we weren't together to fix the mistakes we made within the design. We were too busy trying to fix things between us that we couldn't even focus on the one thing that made us happy, solving problems. And speaking of mistakes, Fitz had said to me before he left that what had happened between us was a mistake. I expected to hear something around those lines just because him and I couldn't be more than friends; it's not how it works. It's currently summertime now, and I have no plans as to what I should do. I had been offered to come back and take a few extra courses back at the academy at any time or even teach. But still. I had no homework, or lectures, or exams, and the most crushing downfall was that I had no Fitz. He would call, and I wouldn't pick up. Then I would call, and he wouldn't pick up. It was like playing ping-pong through the phone and we seemed to have continuously hit the net. I can't say or do anything to make him come back any sooner but if there's one thing I wish I could do, it would be to take back that whole night. Yes, it was amazing finally coming out and telling Fitz I loved him, but at what cost? Our friendship? I lost something that day and I would give anything to get that back.

June, 26th

Finally, alone in my room, reading a novel. My room had been the same for many years; tan walls, light pink bed sheets, books piled around the room, and large posters of the periodic table spread through the walls. My phone buzzed quietly beside my leg which caused me to flinch in surprise. I set the book down on my stomach to answer it. Without even looking I swiped the green button and the first word that was said from the other side made me freeze.

"Jemma?" He asked.


"I missed you so much, how have you been?" He asked.

"I've been better," I sighed sitting up a bit more against my bed frame, "how are you?"

"Not doing so good." He said with a sigh, almost dramatically. 'Not doing so good'? What had happened to the Fitz that could brighten up a room and lighten the mood with everything he said?

"Are you okay? What happened?" I frantically asked while swinging my legs over to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I have just been gone too long, the family isn't fazed that I took the long trip here."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fitz." I said relaxing slightly while thumping my index finger on my right knee.

"I think I'm heading back to the academy next week, take some of those extra post-classes, finish some experiments," his voice continued to trail.

"I'm going back too." I said sternly. I cursed myself as I just realized the fact that I wasn't actually planning on going back to the academy until this very second.

"You are?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, I'm leaving next Wednesday," I said trying to hide my trail of lies because Fitz can always tell when I'm lying.

"Me too, so I guess I will see you there, Simmons." He said, and I could feel him smile through the phone.

"See you there, Fitz." I said and the line was then disconnected.

July, 2nd

A long flight across the Atlantic was all I needed to figure out what I was going to do when I saw Fitz. The half hour drive to the academy was, then, more time than I needed. The academy, when pulling up, was much larger than I remembered it from May. About 10 cars were parked in the parking lot which had once held over 100 cars. It was like walking in a ghost town; the cafe was closed up even though the time read 9:35, no one was on the main hall, and it was completely silence.
I hated this feeling, usually the main hall was as loud as a class during discussion day, but now it was just silent. I felt like I shouldn't be here, and that I was holding onto this place even though I'm a graduate. I walked around a little bit and decided to take a seat in one of the high tables off to the side in the room. My bags fell to the ground and I started to get my novel out when all of a sudden, from behind, I heard the automatic, sliding, glass doors open. Forgetting about my book, I swung around standing up.
Right there, walking towards me with bags at hand, was Fitz.

His hands immediately dropped the bags and he ran up to me, catching me slightly off guard. His small arms wrapped perfectly around me and, without hesitation, he leaned in and placed a kiss on my cheek. We held our embrace, for what seemed like, forever. It felt so good to have him hold me once more. It had been a whole month without Fitz and I was so ecstatic when he held me in his arms.

He leaned in to whisper something in my ear, "I missed you Simmons."

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