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Monday morning; it gave off such a slow, bitter feeling. Obviously the dorms were quite cold at this time, and this time in which I get up. My Monday morning routine to get me going for a long day of classes was: get up, get ready, go get tea, and head back to the dorms to wake up Fitz since he hasn't been waking up until noon. I came to the conclusion that he is reading or working on a new project until the sun rises.

My stroll to the down stairs coffee shop, which inconveniently only stays open until noon, was rather slow and dragged because of my willingness to just lay down on the ground and sleep.

I got my tea which scalded my hands as I walked slowly up to Fitz's floor. When I arrive at his door, it's completely silent on the other end minus his quiet snoring. Now this was the moment when I crush a little boy's dream, literately. I knocked on the door so loud that I heard a thump onto the ground from the other side. A few steps then approached the door and it swung open to reveal Fitz in a large sweater and sweatpants frowning at me.

"What the hell." He said looking at me, "I fell off my bloody bed."

"Good morning sunshine." I said with a smile as he walked back to gather his things.

"Are you ready to go to class?" I said joking with him as he whipped around for us to be face to face.

"Does it look like it?"

"I will wait for you out here." I said with a smile still plastered on my face to where it hurt. I wanted to laugh so hard and it came to the point where I just let it out because it was too funny not to react to.

On the other side of the door, Fitz yells at me "this is not funny Jemma!"

"Oh actually Fitz it quite is." I said pressing my head against the closed door. He quickly opened looking like a whole different person, like one that didn't just roll out of bed a few minutes ago.

"Are you ready now?" I asked.

"Actually, no, not really." He said sarcastically as we headed down the hall to go to Professor Hall's class.

If there was an award for never showing up to class late, Fitz and I would obviously be reviewing this award without a doubt.
This academy is full of people just like us; hard working, ambitious, and passionate, but you can still spit the slackers that show up late or skip class all together.
Fitz and I can't even fathom how you could skip Professor Hall's teachings?

"Miss. Simmons, please come up here." Hall said as heads turned, including Fitz's.

"Yes Professor Hall?" I asked politely.

"If you can bring me the pistol that you and Mr. Fitz are making by the end of April, I can get you it tested, patented, and returned to you by May 10th." My professor said looking at her computer before addressing me.

"Wow that is fantastic!" I said excitedly, I didn't even have to worry about the deadline because I knew that Fitz would get it done.

"Okay just give it to me anytime before the end of next week." My professor said before returning to here computer.

I walked back up to my seat, "what was that about?"

"Don't worry about it Fitz." I said back to him.

"No seriously tell me, you always tell me." He looked over at me, "even that one time you got 3 wrong on your exam."

"Listen I just can't tell you." I snapped at him. He looked really hurt before turning back to his work.

"You didn't need to cause a scene."

"Well you wouldn't stop asking."

"Because I just wanted to know what the professor was asking of you," he scoffed, "don't make a fuss."

His words hurt but I can imagine mine left a sting to him just as well. I felt bad, not telling him, but it was for the element of surprise. Now that I think of it; neither me nor Fitz care for surprises. This was just too big and the wait might kill me before it kills him, but this was the perfect gift for him on a non-birthday occasion.
We sat the rest of class in silence not sure of what to say to each other. We also left class silent; I don't even think we realized that we weren't talking or we thought it was too uncomfortable. It came to the point where we just went through our daily routine side-by-side, separated.

It finally came to the point where we finished our brunch in silence that finally he spoke up, "listen I just don't want us keeping secrets, okay?"

"I want to tell you but it's a surprise, that's the most I can tell you," I stopped picking at my plate with my fork, "I'm sorry."

"Me too." He said giving me a slight smile.

We just sat there, silent, yet again. Finally content with our mutual understanding, he didn't ask any questions and that felt like a rush relief.

"Oh hey guys." Aaron said coming up to the table beside us.

"Hi." Me and Fitz both muttered. Aaron didn't acknowledge Fitz but looked at me with a confused look. I by he was confused why I was falling over him like other girlfriends but as I continue to think to myself I really wasn't his girlfriend. A run, and a date and a half doesn't count you as dating but it was more of a mutual liking? The words needed to express our level of whatever this was was obviously not in my reach so I continued to smile at the awkward boy standing before us.

"Jemma do you mind if we talk," he looks over at Fitz who looked as if he had gotten more comfortable in the wooden chair, "in private?"

"Yeah, sure." I muttered.

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