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"Hey where are you?" Aaron asked through the phone. I sat in my room fiddling with my pencil as I hovered over my large notebook.

"At my dorm, I just saw you–" I laughed

"Do you want to come over?"

I stopped for a second to comprehend the question. Why was I thinking about this so much? If this was Fitz I would've hung up the phone and been at the door already but this was different.

"I'll be over in a few!" I said, my voice cracking.

"Okay great Jems." And the line went flat.

My hands trembled as I reached my fist out to knock on the door. Why was it so hard for me to come to terms with my feelings for Aaron? He's amazing and smart and handsome, I'm questioning myself to the point where I'm throwing myself over the line. Anxious. Not much to explain but it's what I felt around him, I can't stay calm or still or relaxed. Is this what it feels like? Love? Never did I think love was feeling nervous and awkward around someone; I thought it was always feeling at home with them and never not thinking about them.

I knocked.

"I'm coming!" He said through the door before a lock clicked and the door was pressed wide open for me to enter.

"I spent the last 20 minutes cleaning so our wouldn't have to play lava with my dirty clothes." He said laughing.

"No it's okay, I've seen much worse." Which was a lie because the only other dorm room I have been in is Fitz's and his OCD is unprescribed.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked

"I don't know, you tell me!" I said with a sweet smile taking a postured position on the edge of his bed.

He sat next to me closely, "anything new?"

"I saw you last week and even then I had nothing interesting to share." I laughed.

"Oh please you kept me well entertained." He said leaning in to kiss me but I coughed and pulled back with the intention of appearing to be sick, obviously my lying skills could be rated a -15 so this isn't going to go well for me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I just forgot that I promised I would call my mum back after I dismissed her to work on my lab procedure." I bit the side of my lip and changed my focus away from his eyes.
"Mind if I-?"

"No go ahead." He said with a smile, "I'll catch up with you tomorrow"

"Bye Aaron." I said getting up a quickly leaving

I ran to leave the dorms when I passed Fitz, now I wasn't in a talking mood so I kept my fast pace as I pushed through a few groups to the exit.

"Jemma!" He yelled for me as I continued to follow the moonlit path.

This wasn't your average getaway, my life was a series of fortunate events and there I find myself running from someone I'm supposed to have a mutual liking to. I laughed to myself for my silliness and stopped. As soon I came to a halt a small man bumped right into the back of me causing us to completely declivity over each other.

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