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So here comes the day, the day I go on a date with Aaron. I didn't really want to title this a date but I felt it was most appropriate.
Fitz continues to apologize everyday for what happened last well since he feels overwhelmed by his own negativeness. He said that he was staying in tonight to recreate the inner functions of the pistol. He has to start back at square one and I feel bad that I can't help him when he needs it.

Back to tonight, my brain likes to wanders on to other things, but me and Aaron are going to have a lot of fun, nice restaurant, good food, nice guy, everything couldn't be even more perfect. Although I felt weird about this whole thing I had to shake it all off and go out and have a fantastic time. It just feels weird that I'm going on, probably, my first date ever. I mean Fitz and I have gone out for dinner every week but this is different, I guess. It's a different guy, what would we even talk about. Now I'm just pulling out my hair in stress over all of this, I need to relax and finish getting ready. Although the smell from my hair burning within the straightener and the cloudy power of my makeup really didn't settle the mood, my mind quickly bounced to optimistic views when I turned on my radio. Music soothes me as well as it does to anyone else, but I'm not much of a music listener. Dancing around my small, crammed room was the highlight of my afternoon although the look of my pastel dress lightened it up even more.

Hours ticked away and my hands trembled as I tried to read my chemistry notebook. Why can't this be easy? Why can't it just be with a guy I know everything about already? Why can't we just go to a burger place? Why wasn't I helping Fitz? He needs my help.

"Jemma, you have to do this." I said to myself out loud which sort of helped.

I started to flip pages in my book, "I mean after all, it's going to be a nice meal." I started to focus more on the pictures, "I missing something, something important."

"Maybe I'm forgetting the fact that an extremely attractive and sweet guy is in to me." I sighed, "oh Jemma, just stop worrying."

I was actually talking to myself to make me feel better, I guess it has come to this.

'How could it already be time to go?' I asked myself as the door to my room was struck by someone's hand. Obviously it was Aaron but it still startled me.

Opening the door I was immediately surprised to see him standing there with a bouquet of daisies.

"When you said you were wearing a dress, you weren't kidding," he stopped and looked back, "wow."

I laughed awkwardly as I thanked him quietly.
He took me by the hand and led me all the way outside to his car that was parked right up front. He opened the door like a gentleman and set the flowers in the back seat.

"So the drive is only 10 minutes and the restaurant's food is to die for." He said exaggeratedly.

"Sounds awesome." I said trying hard to to take a smile off my face. I still had a bit concern for Fitz working on the pistol alone but I guess I should just enjoy the night and visit him when I get back.

"So, um, how was your day?" He asked turning he car over.

"Uneventful, to say the least." I said turning my head.

"I can agree with that, I went over the last chapter all day." He said as we pulled out of the lot.

"The last chapter and in what?"

"Oh, forensic science."

"I never knew you were in forensic science, I heard it's a fantastic class." I said.

"It really is, last week, we went over actual autopsies." He cleared his throat settling down, "I get excited about this type of stuff."

"It's okay, I do too."

The restaurant he took me to was just like he said, 'to die for.' The whole place was lit with soft Amber light to where I almost tripped over my own feet but it set a perfect mood for our night. Aaron was really sweet and kept asking me questions about my life and school. I would ask him the same back, but it was hard to hear over the loud conversations and soft lounge music. The clattering of silverware, the bumping of glasses, and noise from the kitchen to our right really downed the mood but I learned so much about him. He is from New York, his parents opened a bakery when he was 9, and that he had traveled for 2 years before coming to the academy. He even mentioned that he had visited my home town in England just before returning back to New York. I found it quite interesting, his stories and adventures but they took the conversation over tonight which left me barely any room to talk about my new found molecular structure or the stun pistol, which is getting a new name asap. I guess talking about science and other stuff like that all the time can be quite repetitive but that's what I have always done. I guess it was his night to talk and for me to listen which I can not complain because that makes it 50% harder to embarrass myself. But really, the food was amazing, maybe I should bring Fitz up here soon. That boy loves his food. Aaron and I slowly found ourselves getting tired of the night so we left the restaurant to go back home.

"I had a lovely time." I said as we rounded the corner to my hall.

"I did too." He said. His eyes which slowly started to close and his body moving toward mine indicated that he was going to kiss me. My eyes widened with panic. One part of me said 'just say goodnight and go find Fitz.' the other said 'lean in you idiot.' Obviously wanting to make this awkward moment go away I quickly pecked his lips and thanked him again. I shut my door immediately and I started to take off the small shoes and dress to find a more suitable outfit for the rest of my night. 'Sweats and slippers will do' I said to myself before exiting my room and finding my way to Fitz's.

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