What no alarms went off?

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"oh my god, Scarlett I'm so glad you're here today, all the girls in my group have taken the day off..." Poppi rushes out as she pounces on me in a hug and I stumble back against my locker.

"Really? Yeah, hang out with us" I laugh because of her enthusiasm.

"Really? Oh my god, do you even realise how much I love you right now? Thank You!"

I laugh again, "just let me get my stuff for science, then I'll introduce you to the girls" I smile.

"Okay!" She says excitedly.

Sometimes I wonder how much coffee she has in the morning to get this hyper...or maybe she's on drugs? Whatever it is-I want some!

"Okay, let's go" I grab her arm to pull her along, but she starts skipping, dragging me instead.

"Skip with me!" She laughs, so I join her in skipping. It's the last day of school anyway, who cares?

We skip over to Crystals locker.

"Crystal" I kick her back lightly. She has a bottom locker, I'm not that flexible, "have you met Poppi?" I ask as she turns around,

"Yeah, aren't you in my French class?" She asks with a small frown,

"Probably" poppi laughs again, and Crystal smiles at her,

"Then, yes, I've seen poppi, but it's nice to meet you" Crystal answers with a smile.

"Yeah, you too Crystal," Poppi then turns to me, "you said 'girls'?"

"Yeah, one more, Crystal, do you know where Elise is?"

"Locker" she grunts while still rummaging through hers.

"Okay, bye caveman!" I laugh,

"Shut up, too early" I hear her grumble back and I laugh.

As assumed, Elise is at her locker, with her goo-goo eyes on.

"Now what?" I ask her with a smirk,

"He walked past me, and oh my god he smelt great..." She sighed.

"Oooh! Who smells great? Who are we talking about?" Poppi claps her hands excitedly and grins at Elise eagerly.

"This is Poppi" I gesture towards the beaming red head.

"Hey Poppi, I'm Elise" she smiles at her.

"Yeah okay cool, now who's the hottie making you hot under and below the collar?"

Elise and I laugh so hard that Poppi joins in.

"Woah, okay, who's on crack?" Crystal remarks as she walks suspiciously over to us.

"Oh my god, Poppi you're so funny, Crystal have you met Poppi? She's hilarious" Elise and I are still laughing at Poppi's eccentric comment.

"Yeah, I met her before...class clown are we?" Crystal winks at her and Poppi smiles, "okay, I'm going to Alex's locker, see you guys later."

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