Okay so maybe theres more than one boy...

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"Pretty girl with a scarlet drawl"

Scarlett's POV

"And then," Poppi gasps for breath, "then, she fell off the chair" we both laugh our asses off. Well, she does, mine is still there...

When the laughter dies down, and we've managed to get the whole corridors attention on us, we scurry into maths class.

Maths. Best subject ever!Just kidding, you don't need to ring the mental asylum.

"Late" ms Kingsley says without even looking at us.

I almost do a Poppi and say "No, actually I'm Scarlett" but I really don't think that will end well.

Its second lesson of the day. This means that in half an hour I will have to see Nick again.

Well, I sure made a great impression on him this morning, so home group will be great!

Once again, I'm totally kidding.

Ms Kingsley starts her 20 minute rant about indices and I zone off.

Smooth, spikey, smooth, spikey...spikey, smooth...smooth...spikey...

With an absent mind, I run my hand up and down the three day growth on my lower leg, before realising what I'm doing. I silently laugh at myself before trying to tune in.

"So when there is a squared number...Scarlett, are you paying attention?"

"What time is it?"

Ms Kingsley gives me a blank stare before scowling.

"Don't worry, you will have enough time after school to do some maths" she smiles a sickly smile and I sulk back in my seat.

"Uh excuse me miss, but I don't think Scarlett should be held back, she was copying down the notes, she was just finished" Poppi's sweet voice notifies the stupid teacher as she holds up her book full of notes.

I turn and look at her with a questioning smile. Is she pretending her notes are mine? Clever girl...

"Scarlett taking notes? If you say so..." Ms Kingsley looks taken aback by Poppi's comment and drops the conversation.

"Wow, thanks Poppi" I laugh

"She's a turd" She laughs


The bell signals the end of class. And the start of a ten minute home group...ten minutes of awkwardness...

As Poppi swings her leg around to get up, her dress lifts up and I see three long lines on her thigh.

Instead of looking away like a normal person would, I keep staring. Are they...cuts?
No, they couldn't be? Poppi is such a happy person...

But then my brain kicks in, of course she seems happy, like myself, it's her disguise.

Poppi suddenly yanks her dress down and stands up.

I quickly recover from my shock and look up at her usually tan face to find a pale face and try to give her an encouraging smile.

"I...sorry you saw that. I can't believe I wasn't more careful...I" She starts staring at the wall behind me, "Sorry" she repeats.

"Hey, no it's okay, I'm not judging you, come outside with me for a sec."

We leave the classroom and head for the lockers, but instead of turning right, we head down to a quiet corridor.

"I haven't shown anyone this before...but since I saw yours..." I hesitatingly slide the end of my jumper sleeve up to my fore arm to reveal my wrist.

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