The truth?

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The first day of high school rolled around...and very slowly too.

I was so excited to start 'fresh' as they say, and find out who I really was. After all, high school is the place where you find out your true passion, and hopefully find a sense of belonging.

I know this sounds kinda mean, but I was also hoping to find a new bunch of friends, friends that were more like me, friends I wasn't afraid to face and stand up to.

Basically...I wanted to change my whole life.

Ok this is all getting a bit enthusiastic and I sound like a stuck up twat, but I'll explain...

(Time to get out your tissues)

I was bullied since I was 4. I don't understand why exactly, but I think it's because I thought differently to the other kids. At kindy, majority of the kids would all be painting on their faces and putting paint everywhere, and I would be painting a dragon neatly on the paper. They would be bashing each other with the toy horse sticks, and I would be off in the bush riding the horse pretending I was a part of the fairy princess's royal army. All the other kids would pick on me and call me posh, weird and girly. Yeah I know that sounds pathetic, but we were 4 and calling a 4 year old weird is hurtful. I used to hang out with the kindy teachers and help them cook. Looking back, I think the only reason they let me cook with them was because they felt sorry for me. It wasn't until half way through the year that two new kid came. Jaimi and Jett.

Jaimi came over to me one day, her pale blonde pigtails shwishing and asked if she could play with me. I looked at her blankly and said
"Are you good at keeping the royal people safe?"
She nodded and smiled her pale blue eyes shimmering,
"I keep them safe all the time" she replied,
"And sometimes I make them cupcakes"
"With sprinkles?" I looked at her with an unsure expression,
"Always" she grinned and I grinned back.

From that moment on, we were best friends.

We called ourselves 'mighty whities' due to our pale complexion and basically white hair.

A few weeks later, Jett came over when I was doing a puzzle with Jaimi.
"You know you're doing it upside down?"
He asked with a weird look on his face.

Jaimi and I looked at eachother then at the puzzle. for a moment we just stared at it, then we all cracked up.
"Can I help?" He said hopefully, his curly red wild hair flaring around him,
"I'm good at puzzles!"
"Sure!" We agreed.

As you can guess, we were the troublesome trio. They were my best friends.

I had other friends, but I can't remember their names, because quite honestly they weren't as important as Jaimi and Jett.

Then it was time for school.
Luckily, my two best friends were going to the same school as me.

We started school in a blaze of excitement
"We are big kids now!"
Jet said excitedly,
"No, actually we are only 5" Jaimi pointed out.
"Oh" he giggled.
"But Jaimi haven't you noticed we look like big kids" I said pointing at out tiny school dresses.
"Yeah bu-"
"Hey! I'm not wearing a dress!!" Jett laughed so hard we both forgot what we were talking about and laughed with him. (being a little kid is great hey?)

I only vaguely remember playing chasey around the oval at recess and lunch.

I didn't realise at the time ovbiously, that my parents were behind my back getting a divorce. (For those unsure, it took awhile for them to actually divorce)

When I found out through my mum crying, I told Jaimi. I didn't know what it meant, but the girl that was listening behind us did.
"Ha-ha! Your parents must hate you!" She shouted, and told the whole of my new class. Everyone looked horrified and then saw her smiling so they started laughing.
"Stop it!" Jaimi yelled at them.
"She can't help that they don't like her!"
"Yeeeaahhh" Jett evilly eyed them all.

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