Its Complicated

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Hussain's POV..

I hate.. I hate these tears that kept on rolling down in front of her.. I bloody love her but she.. She don't.. May be she do but why can't she fucking accept it.. I've felt the love she has for me..

"Don't you love me?" I repeated my questions holding her firm towards my body.. She is so close still so away I can't run and she can't stop.. Why?

"Saira" My voice no more than a Broken whisper..

"I don't know" Her lips trembled as she said this..

"Liar.." I chuckled and jerked her to me more as her body made a contact with mine.. She belongs to me and me..

"I am not" Her lips look so pale as if all blood was sucked from her beautiful pink glossy lips.. I wonder why

"You're not sure about your feelings, This is lame" I said through my gritted teeth.. I don't know if am angry or hurt.. Or may be happy to know she love me.. Or may be she don't..

"I'll make you fall in love with me, Miss. Saira" I smiled as I finally loosen my grip around her wrists backing off.. I felt something missing.. What? Heart..

She was still there not moving at all. I stopped and took a step to her again she was so lost that she didn't noticed the closeness between us.. Taking advantage of time I pecked her cheek.. It was a sweet swift kiss that didn't last long as she backed off hurriedly..

I didn't reacted because I knew if I'll do she cry or freak out.. Smiling lightly I turned and walked away.. Away from her presence, her aroma, her touch, her feels each and everything..

I don't know when but you'll love me.. You'll do Saira.. I'll try.. I promise.. I can wait for you for my whole life.. Yes I am hopeless.. Hopeless in your love. But I just can't help now.. Because.. Saira haider I love you.. I love you so much..

Thanisha's POV..

"Thanisha" It was shehry on door.. How can I not recognize his voice..

"Who?" I acted obvious.. There was a silent for a moment.. May be he just left?? Yea Of course.

Minutes passed I heard the knob turning sound.. I peeked to have a look the door was wide open now revealing shehry.. Ohh. I thought he left already.. Why didn't he answered or come in before? Strange..

"Did you said yes?" His eyes fuming with anger or hate may be?

"Shehry relax.. Have a seat.." He groaned loudly made my breath hitched in throat and I stopped saying what I started..

"Yes or no?" He asked I saw his palm fisted.

"What are you talking about?" I asked blinking my eyes so that those tears won't flow..

"Marriage.. You said yes for marriage thanisha" Ohh yeah.. That marriage topic.. Aunty just came hour before and asked If my parents want me to get married and get settled so will I.. I said yes as an answer.. Why is he angry? Its not that we are getting married.. Stupid

"Tumhe farq nahi parhna chahiya" I shrugged off carelessly as I stood from bed and walk to the dresser.. It was silent.. Creepy silence.. He left.. Good...

"What do you mean by mujhe farq nahi parhna chahiya. Damn" He held my wrist and made me turn to him... His eyes red and his face tensed.. I thought he left already.

"You're no one to interfere in my life Shehryaar Asif.. Just mind your own business" He was getting on my each and every nerves.. I yelled and pushed him away hard.. He stumbled a bit but gain his straight posture quickly..

"I can't fucking mind my own business because you're poking your nose in my business.. Thanisha I have said this earlier.. I can't move on.." I frowned.. "I can't marry anyone.. I can't give her place to you to anyone else... Why don't you people get it" He added with a loud sigh and my frown went deeper.

"Wait.. what are you talking about?" I asked this time he was the one frowning..

"I am talking about our marriage" He said and my eyes went wide...

"What the hell" I gasped. I can't even think to marry him. What the fuck is actually happening here??


Asalam o alikum..

Firstly sorry for the late and short update.. I need to end this crap cause this one is getting so long.. It was a short and then I kept on making it long long and long.. And here I am stuck.. So I am just ending it.. 5 or may be 6 more chapters.. And the Ending author note xD..

Lets not talk about that right now.. Tell me did you guys liked the chapter..

Ohh well someone is hopeless in love here :'D poor hussain.

Vote and comment.. Till then we'll meet again..

Allah Hafiz..

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