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Taman'na's POV..

"Shehry Yaar" I walked in his backyard where I can't see him anywhere.. I turned to search him..

"Seems he forgot" I felt hurt I turned to gate was about to leave when somebody blindfolded me.

"Don't ever think I'll forgot about us, about you" His whispers gave me goosebumps.. He made a knot of that blindfold at the back of my head..

"Sorry" he made me turned to him and whispered again I could feel his breathing which means he is an inch away this made my heart go berserk..

"Why?" I asked he let go of my shoulder and held my hand intertwining fingers he led me to somewhere..

"Sorry you felt hurt" He said we kept on walking I stumbled a little cause of that blindfold He hurriedly snaked his arm around my waist and secured me..

"th...thanks" I smiled he didn't replied for a moment and next moment I felt was his hand on my lower back.. He snaked his strong arm around my back and lifted me up..

"Shehry" I gasped and held his collar as tight as possible..

"Ji?" He asked..

"what are you doing put me down" I said almost clutching his collar that I fear I'll rip it any moment.

"Its risky to let you walk with this blindfold so I lifted you up.. Don't worry I want let you fall ever.." I felt he was staring my face saying those words which held nothing but love for me..

"I know" I placed my one hand on his stubble that tickled me deep down..

"Your stubble" I whispered he for once stopped on his way..

"what?" He asked..

"Nothing.." I looked down though I can't see anything but I can feel myself blushing hard.. And I know he must be smirking at me..

He put me down after some 6 to 7 steps.. I tried to hold his hand but it slipped away and I couldn't him anymore beside me..

"Shehry" I felt damn scared..

"Shhh.. I'm here" His voice came from my back.. I breath in relief.. He unfolded that blindfold and a bright light made me close my eyes..

"Open your eyes slowly slowly" He instructed I did what he said.. I opened my eyes and they went out of sockets..

"This" I turned to him who's smiling nervously..

"This is breathtakingly... Beautiful..." He did all this for me this made me feel special.. He stepped closer..

"Not more than you" He whispered making me blush.. I smiled..

He held my hand and led me in..

The swimming pool was covered with pink rose petals and in the center heart was made with floating candles and roses... The border of swimming pool was decorated with burning candles.. The dim light cause of evening was cherry on top..

"every scent of rose belongs to you.. Every petal defines my love for you.. And this last rose shows how your one smile completed me" He took out a rose from his pocket.. I smiled wide.. A tear left my eye..

"I know this is a tear of happiness but I promise I won't let you shed any of them till my last breath" He leaning in kissed away that tear making me close my eyes..

"Open your eyes and let me look at myself through your eyes.." He whispered I opened them.. He smiled..
"Taman'na" He bent down I cupped my mouth as I already know what he's up to... Dreams do come true..

He took out a ring from his pocket.. He asked for my hand I placed mine on his..

Will you marry me?" He asked me, for a moment I forgot of every single thing just kept staring him.. And don't know for what reason I started sobbing badly.. He shook his head..

"In Sha Allah" I finally uttered something, He smiled sliding ring in my finger He stood straight..

"Shehryaar" I whispered.

"Taman'na" He whispered back. I going on my toes hugged him. His warm strong arms going on my small back he jerked me into him.

"I never thought life would be that beautiful, You made it worth living, worth loving" I whispered on his shoulder. He caressed my hair..

"I never thought, you'll be here in my arms" He whispered and a tears escaped on his shoulder his grip on my waist went tighter.

"Let's just get married.. I can't wait" He whispered I hide my face more in his chest hiding my over heated face.

"YOU ARE MINE" He whispered again breaking the hug he kissed my forehead. My eyes shut I was feeling the moment..

"I love you" He said again I bite my corner of lips looking down..

"Kuch bolo" He chuckled on my nervousness may be.

"Kya?" I asked as I looked up..

"Woi.. The same thing I said moment ago" He said and I hide my amusement..

"and what actually you said moment ago?" I asked folding my arms on my chest..

"that I love you" He said frowning I took a step back.. And turned..

"May be some other time" and with that I started running..

"wait you little thing.. Imma gonna catch you tummy.." He ran to me too..


Asalam o alikum..

And am back again :'D so missed me?? Took long to update i know -_-

I was listening to "Humdard from ashiqui 2" while writing this chapter.. Don't ask why :'D cause i don't know either.

So done with Kal wali thing :'D yayy...

The decorated backyard on media ;)

Take care.. We'll meet again soon :*

Taman'na ❤ (A moral Story)Where stories live. Discover now