No Grey

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Bailey's POV

I'm sitting next to Zach, watching a movie, when my phone rings. I look and see its Vern, my widening. She doesn't call much, still guilty for what she called "being a pain in the ass" but I could understand where her pain was coming from. Natalie and I never judged her. Only wanted her to get better.

Jesse hadn't talked to her apparently since he came home the other day. He's just sat in his room since, won't tell us what happened.

I pick up and I hear muffled speakers and a loud series of crashes. My "hellos" and "verns" get louder by the minute. I hear a loud yelling, then a thump and running. I don't know what's going on but I'm up in a flash, grabbing shoes and the keys.

Zach calls Jesse and tells him somethings wrong with Vern. Although they haven't talked Jesse was out his door in two minutes ready to leave with us.

We pull up to her house and run to the door, only to see it smashed in and broken. Zach and Jesse put me behind them and slowly open the door.

I can't help but gasp when I see the room. It's a mess wholes in the wall, broken glass, and furniture tossed everywhere. I look over to the hallway and my heart drops seeing blood on the walls.

We yell for Vern, not getting an answer. We turn the corner and I see something. Something that will forever be in my memory. Vern is laying on the ground in a small pool of her own blood, knife strewn a few feet away from her.

God I don't think I've ever dropped to my knees so quick. Zach held me up and pulled out my phone calling 911. Who could've done this to Vern.

Jesse drops next to her and screams. It ripped my heart into two his cries for her to come back. He was a mess, he took his shirt off and wrapped it around her pressing on the wound.

Her breath was so labored breathing only about 30 seconds each time, and soon she wouldn't be breathing at all if we didn't get help.

Jesse picks her up and runs outside, just in time to see the ambulance speeding down the street. They take her out of jesses hands, and run her into the truck screaming things I don't understand.

It all happens in a blur.

Soon Jesse, Zach, and I are in the hospital. This same stupid hospital that Lena died in. This same stupid hospital I almost died in. God fuck this. I can't believe this is happening..

Matty's POV

I'm in the studio when I see a call from Bailey on my phone screen. I answer it, while the other boys listen, since I put it on speaker.

"Hey Bailey, what's up"

"Um oh my god I can't even talk I'm shaking" she says and I hear the phone fall on the ground. Something tells me that something isn't right.

"It's Vern. She, she, someone attacked her at the house, she called me when the attacker was there and we went to check on her and. Matty, I-- I there was so much blood s-she was just lying in it. We're at the hospital right now" she says and I feel the phone drop out of my hand.

Im frozen.


My best friend. Blood. Attacked. Oh god I can't even think my best friend, we met when we were kids. This can't be happening.

George grabs the phone and talks a little while everyone else closes up and gets ready to head to the hospital. George helps me to the car and we speed to the hospital.

I walk in and my heart drops. I see Bailey and Zach, legs bouncing, fingers tapping anxious to hear something. Jesse is on the floor he is his hands. He has....

He has blood all over him, god that's so much blood. That's Vern's blood. I sit and soon the tears come. Natalie arrives with her boyfriend and I swear this is deja vu. Bailey and Lena and now Vern.

My head pounds god it hurts. So does my heart. George is crying too and I know he still loves her and I know he doesn't want to lose her.

Please Vern, please fight don't do this. Don't leave me.


Sorry this chapter is hella short and a filler but u needed to update. ALSO THIS IS UNEDITED TO DONT COMMENT YOUR EDITS I FUCKING KNOW

anyways 20 reads and 10 votes

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