Chapter 3

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After a long night with y/n, I came back to my house, which I share with Joey. We decided it would be cool to live together after college, and it really was. "Hey buddy! Where were you?" Joey said from the couch. I throw myself next to him. I didn't know how to feel at the moment. My night had been great. Y/n was definitely not the bitch I met a few days ago at the festival. She's smart, funny, spontaneous, without mentioning how beautiful she is. "I was at Ashley's with y/n. I needed to apologize for the drink incident, you know" I explain. I crossed my arms and looked at the tv, without really putting my attention on it. She was all I could think of. I barely knew her, but something about her made me want to know her even more. "And?" Joey added. He knew something was up. So I told him everything, our conversations and the weird reaction she had when I approched her guitar. The way she seemed to be stressed, almost hurt that I would touch it. And the spark that I felt when I saw her smile and the way her eyes looked at me. "Stop being cheesy man. You just met her!" Joey reminded me. He held in his hand a pack of chips that he gave to me. I took a mouthful of it and said "Plus, there is a problem already". "You're gross, seriously who raised you?" he said with disguted face. He's my best friend, he should be used to it by now. "That's the problem?" he adds. "I think she's engaged" I say. "Did she said something about her fiancé?" he asked. "No but she has a ring on her finger. He put one hell of a ring on it by the way" I admit. We couldn't in anyway confind it with a basic or a normal ring. It was so beautiful. It had a little diamond on it and was in silver. I noticed that when she's nervous, she plays with it. She makes it roll around her finger when she doesn't know what to do or say. No matter who was that guy, he was very lucky to have her. "That sucks" Joey said. Yes it does. "That's cool..." I responded, not really convinced.

"Anyway, enough about me. How was your date with Mademoiselle Ashley Parsons?" I asked. dcHis face lit up and he blushed. If I was interested in y/n, he was clearly already into her best friend. He told me every detail of their night, the fancy restaurant he almost asked for a bank credit to go to, the way they held hands over the table and how it felt like they knew each other for years in just a couple of days. He was rambling at this point, but who am I to stop him? I'm like the worst rambler on the planet. Except maybe Tobby. But he's an elf, so does that count? Shit I'm even rambling in my head.

I found myself looking at the ceiling all night long. It was one of those nights when the thoughts keep you awake. And all my thoughts were on her. She was so weird and so perfect at the same time. She seemed fragile and so strong. Funny but broken. I had to find out why. I know it's not possible to have feelings that quickly, or maybe it is, but I couldn't let myself fall into those. She was engaged. She had someone to make her feel good when her troubles got too much, someone to cuddle and laugh with late at night. And in the back of my head, I wished I could be that person for her. But I wasn't. I was the guy who put her Starbucks drink on her favorite shirt, and he was the guy who had her love. Fine.

The more days passed by, the more I got to know y/n, and the more my feelings ended messed up. She still hadn't talk about her potentiel husband, but I didn't ask anyway. I learned that she's a singer and she sometimes perform gigs at some bars here in Los Angeles. Tonight was one of those nights. I was very excited because it will be the first time I would see her perform. It was a bar I used to perform at because everything got crazy. Joey and I went backstage to see Ashley and y/n before the show, but we were hesitate to interrupt what seemed to be a argument between them. The door was closed, but we could hear their screams. "It's been two years now! Move on!" Ashley shouted. "I don't want to move on!" y/n shouted back, a little louder. Joey and I glanced at each other and just stayed there by the door. Not that we wanted to listen, it was more like we had no idea what to do. "Who are you to tell me what I should do of my life huh?" she added. We heard steps coming to us and suddenly the door opened abruptly to our faces, relieving a crying y/n. Ashley were in the background, rubbing a hand over her forehead. "Oh...hi" y/n said. She sniffed and dried quickly the tears from her cheeks. A smile grew on her face, but we could see it was kind of forced. "It's good to have you here guys" she said as she hugs the both of us. I smiled at her and Joey eyed Ashley in the background. "Sorry but I gotta go, duty calls" she chuckled. She walks past us to go to the stage. Ashley then walks to us and greeted us. "You're okay?" Joey asked as he saw her drying her tears like y/n did a few minutes earlier. "Yeah, everything's good!" she lied.

She led us to the bar and we sat at a table in the back to see how people would react. And also because it was her night and I didn't want to be recognized tonight. I wanted to be just a guy in a bar who came to applause what I could now call a friend. I was so excited to hear her sing and to see her musical skills. She took her place in the little stool on stage and adjusted the mic. "Hi" she said shyly. She put her guitar over her lap and played a few random chords. "My name is y/n, and I guess I'm gonna try to make your night as good as possible" she said with a smile. I looked around and some people were paying attention, some were not. Just like the old times, I thought. I couldn't help but to ask myself if her fiancé was there, in the room. If he was looking at her proudly for standing alone on that stage, but I doubt it. He would have been with us right? I don't know. Maybe he was working or maybe he didn't care. I couldn't say. Neither Ashley or y/n mentioned him so... "I'm not a songwriter or anything so...I'm just gonna do covers, so if you know the songs and feel like it, sing along" she said to the audience. "This song is called Hopelessly Devoted To You" Wow, man. What a song to start with. "Guess mine is not the first heart broken, my eyes are not the first to cry" she sang. It's such a beautiful song, and her, it was genuinely fantastic. She had a Broadway type of voice, a strong voice that could give you chills. And she was definitely doing that. Joey looked at me with wide eyes, which made me think we had the same thoughts. She nailed the guitar too. She was mindblowing. "But now, there's nowhere to hide since you push my love aside. I'm out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you". I couldn't help but to sing along. Her version was so emotional, she puts all of her in that song, like she meant every word. And she did, we could feel it. I looked at her getting so emotional over the lyrics. Could her fiancé have hurt her in any way? I hope not. She deserves everything good in her life, from success to love. "Hopelessly devoted to you, hopelessly devoted to you" she finished. At that point, I was pretty sure she was crying, even if we were far from the stage. I applaused her as loud as I could, but still with that question my mind: "Did he hurt her?". No, that's absurd. Who could hurt someone like her? I couldn't, that's for sure.

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