Chapter 5

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Y/N. That name was on repeat in my head all day long. Wherever I go, whatever I do, she was always in my thoughts. We tried to hang out as much as I could, even if that was kinda hard with my crazy schedule but we did our best. And I was falling. Falling so hard for her. Every second with her, every text I read from her, every smile she gave me, I was falling. But she wasn't free, man. I was falling for a girl and her heart were in the hands of another guy. He could destroy it right now, or cherish it, I actually had no idea. I didn't even know his name! Y/n never talked about him, she never said she was engaged, never mentioned him or anything in our conversation...and to be honest, it was kinda weird. I mean when you love someone, you say it right? At least the people you love. Especially if you're about to marry that person! 3 months of talking with her and not a single thing about him. And even Ashley was quiet about him, telling us and her newest boyfriend Joey that she doesn't want to talk about him if y/n doesn't do it herself. I started to think it was weird, man! Is he a CIA agent or something?

"Darren is like a fucking rockstar. I swear girls, you never saw him with a guitar" Joey said around the table. We were currently at Ashley and y/n's, just trying to enjoy a nice evening full of sex jokes and goofiness. "Oh come on. I'm so not. Paul Stanley is. I'm really not" I corrected. "Or maybe y/n is" I added with a smile. "Well I won't be a rockstar for now. I broke one of my strings while playing the rockstar" she said. She looked dissapointed, and looked at her full plate. She barely touched it. "I can't pay for it now so I'm gonna retire for now" she chuckled. It was also like a fake laugh. That makes me feel so sad for her. "I bet your fiancé could help you with that" I said to reassure her. She dropped her fork and looked suddenly hurt. Like if I broke a special promise we had. I frowned, and I could see Joey was too next to her. Y/n left the table and went to the frontdoor. "Y/n..." Ashley called her before we heard the door getting slammed. "Uhm...what just happened?" Joey asked. He was just as surprised as I was. "I...did she talk to you about this?" she asked me. What the hell was she talking about? "Uhm...nooo..." I said slowly. Was I dumb not to understand what she was saying? "What's going on?" Joey asked. "I..." she sighed. "I can't tell you. I can't tell it instead of her...I'm sorry". She stood up from her chair and walked to the hall.

But before she left, I grabbed her wrist and made her stay. "Please, let me. She left because of me" I whisper. "Darren that's very sweet but-" she started to say before I cut her off "I don't push her if she doesn't want to tell me. I swear". She seems to consider it as she looked into my eyes. I knew she knew. I haven't told her, but she knew I had y/n under my skin. "Ok" she agreed. I let go of her wrist and quickly took my jacket. I eyed Ashley one more time to reassure her and left to go outside.

I had no idea where she could have gone, but her car was still there so she wasn't that far. I walked a few steps towards the back of the building where was the public garden and she was there. She was sitting on a big rock, her arms around her body. I walked to her and when she saw me, she dried her tears and sat more straight. I put the jacket on her shoulder and says "Here. It's freazing out here". She held the jacket on her shoulders and I sat beside her. She sniffs and dried more tears, like it could actually make them stop falling. "Darren I-" "You don't have to say anything. I'm not sure to have explications, I'm just here for support" I explain. She looked at me with her puffy eyes and all I wanted to do was hold her. But I had no idea how she would react so I didn't. She turned her face away and nodded. We stayed like this for a few minutes. Maybe 10, maybe 20. I don't know. It was just her, me and the silence between us.

"He didn't cheat on me or anything you know...I'd like that better" she silently said. I let her talk and for once, shut my mouth. "I would rather him hurting me than that..." she added as her head looked down again. "He died two years ago..." she explain to me. She rolled her ring around her finger nervously and I stood there astonished. Never would I thought of such a thing. It was so unbelievable for me to believe that someone could lost the person they love the most. "He...he was the best man I ever knew..." she explained. "He was a musician, he played guitar. And when I met him, I was studing to become a fucking lawyer...and I told him my dream was to sing and he always told be to follow my dreams, that I'm talented, that one day I would make it...and I was so scared I never considered it" she adds. I put a hand on her back and rubbed it, just to show her I was listening. "And one day his best friend came to town with that brand new fancy car...and I knew how that guy was he likes speed and adrenaline, so I begged John not to go with him. But he told me everything would be fine, and I believed him...I believed him until I got that call. And ever since, I haven't seen his beautiful smile, haven't hear him play...that changed everything. I stopped my studies, I took classes on learn how to play guitar and I became a singer. And since I knew how to play, I used his guitar. I knew that he wanted me to be happy. And without him, that was my only option. Ashley knew him. He was a friend of hers too. And I couldn't go back to our place so she invited me. And I never went back to it. And here I am" she chuckled nervously. "He died before I got the chance to call him my husband" she said as she burst out into sobs. I took her in my arms and she cried against my chest. I cried too, her story was far away from anything I could have ever imagined. I rubbed her back and pulled her close. "Everything will be okay" I whisper. I felt so dumb for saying that. She lost the love of her life. The man she loved. I had no idea if she was going to be okay or not. I knew I couldn't take his place, but I could be the one who would teach her to love again.

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