Chapter 9

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"Hi! You reached y/n's voicemail! Can't talk right now but if it's important, leave a message! Bye!" I heard once more. I sighed and left a message, again. "Hey it's me, Darren. Look I know I'm annoying but I just wanna know that you're okay. Just... Just let me know you're okay. Please". I hang up and sighed again. Why have I done? Why doesn't she talk to me anymore? I was in my trailer, just waiting for shooting another scene for Glee, just the casual. I was sitting on the steps of my trailer, totally absorbed by my phone. When will she finally answer my texts or my phonecalls?

"Darren!" I heard someone said in front of me. I raised my head to the sound to see Chris standing in front of me. "Hey. What's up?" I asked at him, trying to put a smile on my face. "Nothing much, just been standing there for five minutes" Chris explained as he chuckled. "Oh, sorry" I apologized. "Anyway, I have two costumes in my trailer, I don't know which scene we shoot next, do you have any ideas?" he asked. "No sorry" I quickly said as I look back to my phone. "You're okay?" Chris asked with a worried tone. "Yeah, I'm good" I said as I quickly glance at him than looked away. He frowned at me, like a father who is suspecting his child to have done something wrong. "Ok, I'm not okay..." I admit. "What's going on?" he sat next to me on the steps and waited for me to answer. "Remember that girl I told you about? The singer?" I said. "Yeah" Chris answered. "Well she doesn't want to talk to me anymore, and I have no idea why. I mean, she has a tough past with men and maybe what we have freak her out... Or maybe we don't have anything I don't know" I explained as I look at my feet. I remember y/n telling me she hated to feel. She's right. Feelings sucks. "It's been two weeks since I last saw her and ever since she doesn't answer any of my texts or my phonecalls... It's not like I haven't tried though" I chuckle nervously. "Why don't you go to her house? You know where she lives right?" Chris suggested. "Don't you think going to her house when she doesn't want to talk to me will make me a stalker?" I asked as I look back at him. "Don't you think texting or calling her every five minutes since two weeks did make you a stalker already?" Chris jokes. I laughed, but I knew he was right. "Thanks man" I said as I pat his back. "Chris! Darren! We're waiting for you on set" a crew member shouted from the studio. "Shit" Chris exclaimed as he ran to his trailer to change. I chuckled and went on set, still his advice on my mind.

He was right, I was already a stalker. And I had nothing to lose by going to her house right? The only thing I didn't want to lose was her. Please, let her be okay. After my day at work, I went straight to y/n and Ashley's appartement. 'I need to see her' 'Let her be okay' 'I hope she will talk to me' were my only thoughts when I climbed the stairs two by two to get faster to their door. I rushed to it and stopped right away to catch my breath. What if she refuses to talk to me? What would I do? No. Think positive Darren. Stay positive. I took a big breath and knocked on the door. I waited for what seemed to be hours, but finally Ashley opened. "Oh, Darren. Hi" she exclaimed as she saw me. I haven't see her for two weeks too, she always managed to make Joey come to her not to see me. Maybe that has something to do with her. "Hi" I said, maybe a little too roughly. "I wanna talk to y/n". "She's not here" Ashley responded immediately. I rolled my eyes and walked past her. "Y/n, I know you're in there, come out please" I said as I walked to her bedroom door. "Darren, she's not here" Ashley repeated from the front door. "Bullshit" I said, and shook my head. "Y/n please I just wanna..." I opened her door. "". It was empty.

Nothing changed in there, except the fact that the face I was longing to see was not in there. "Where is she uh?" I asked, now even more pissed. "She went to work" Ashley said calmly. We could tell she was trying to hold back her feelings. "Where she is? Is she at her old appartement? Did you tell her to go there?" I asked. I rubbed my forehead and paced around the living room. Ashley was still standing at the door. "No I didn't" she answered. Her assurance almost made me laugh. "Why won't you let her talk to me? What have I done?" I screamed. Who is she to stand between y/n and I? "Darren I-" she tried to say but I cut her off. "I thought you trusted me! God, what a fucking idiot I've been! I told you I had feelings for her and all you decide to do is to keep her away from me!" I shouted at her. "It's not me!" she shouted with the same tone. "I haven't done anything! Y/n is a big girl, and she is smart enough to know to who she should talk to or not. I don't decide for her. The fact that she is not talking to you is not on me, okay?!" she explained loudly. "Don't you dare saying that I try to keep her away from you, because all I've ever wanted was to see her smile again like she does when you're around, so now shut the fuck up and calm down!" she yelled at me. It felt like a huge blow on my head. Man I just yelled at her for nothing. I throw away all my frustration on her, my friend. Shit.

"I'm sorry" I breath out. "I just... I'm loosing my mind these days". "Yeah I figured out..." she sighed. "Can I wait for her here?" I asked. "No, I'm sorry, I don't wanna be the one who trick her. She doesn't want to talk to you, she has her reasons and I'm not gonna make her do it. I'm sorry" she explained. "Ashley please you're my only chance" I begged. "I'm sorry" she repeated as she looked down. "Well... If you don't want to help me, it's okay. I would just wait outside" I said as I headed back to the stairs. "Nice. Have a good evening, Darren" Ashley exclaimed. Can I spot sarcasm? "You too Ash" I responded.

She closed the door behind me and I went to sit on the stairs, dragging my feet along the way. I sat on one of the steps and took out my phone. It was already 9pm. I checked out my texts and my missed calls but, of course, none of them were from her. I was going to be here for a long time if she was indeed working. I played games on my phone for hours, my heart beating a little faster every time I heard a door getting opened, and breaking a little more every time I understood it wasn't her. Until that moment. The door of the building got opened, and there she was, stunning like always. She looked up at me, and my first reflex was to smile. I finally got to see her for two weeks. She saw my smile and rolled her eyes, and quickly went back to the door. "No, y/n, wait!" I said as I ran to her.

She was already outside, but I catch up on her and got in front of her to stop her from walking. "Wait! Are you okay?" I asked. That was all I needed to know. Of course, not texting or talking to her was hard, but if she was happier that way, it was okay for me. "I'm fantastic Darren. Thanks for asking. Bye" she said with an obvious fake smile as she walked past me. "Hey stop! What's going on? Talk to me!" I begged as she went back in her car. "I don't want to talk to you! Just leave me alone!" she almost shouted as I tried to get into the car. She locked all the doors before I got to. I quickly put myself in front of the car so she couldn't leave without rolling on me. "Was it something that I did?" I asked as I raised my arms. "You're annoying! Not everything is about you, Darren" she shouted from her spot. "What? Why are you acting like that?" I asked with a frown. Man, she reminds me of that girl I met at the festival. It wasn't y/n. It couldn't be. I met the real her, and she's not a bitch. She stepped out of the car and went right on me. She seemed even more than angry. "You know what? I thought about leaving but this is where I live, and I'm not going not to go home just because you decided that I need to talk to you first. I don't want to talk to you! What don't you understand here? It's the "talk" part or it's the "you" part? I don't wanna be around you anymore. I don't wanna hear how beautiful you think I am or how awesome Broadway is. Stop texting me, or calling me or coming here because that's not going to change anything!" she shouted at my face before walking back to the building. And there I was, still standing in the middle of the street, atonished. I knew this was only a wall she built to protect her, but I thought I managed to wreck it. "Just give me a reason!" I said calmly. "I don't know Darren! Maybe I found someone else, someone better than you" she shrugged and kept walking. I shook my head. "I won't give up on you so easily y/n!" I shouted before she went to the building. She didn't turn around or answered, and there I was, alone, again.

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