Chapter One- The Demon Child

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"When you were little, your parents left you outside the doors of an orphanage. Lady Bernette, the mistress of the orphanage took you in. While she was taking you out of the wooden basket, she found a letter tucked into the blue blanket that you were wrapped in. Wait one second, Kasumi. Ah, here's the letter! It says:

'I could not raise this infant. Therefore, I have given you the child. You must be warned though, the child we have bestowed you with is not normal. She has demon blood running through her veins. She is one of the eight Demon Kings. She is the Demon Princess. I would like for her to grow up normally, yet you may tell about her true nature. Don't worry though, I'll take her back when the time is right. Thank you, and good luck. - M.P.'

Did that answer your question about how you got here, Kasumi?"

"Yup! Thanks Lady Bernese!" I had exclaimed with a big grin. She was the only person that wasn't afraid of me.

I slowly looked away from the window and I put my memories back inside my head. Now, Lady Bernese was dead, Lady Bernette hated me, and all the kids at the orphanage feared me even more. I didn't do anything, I was simply "The Omen" or "The Demon That Will Kill Us All". I was called this and much worse names because of the letter and the horrible event.

A little while ago Lady Bernese and I were talking alone, as usual because no one was allowed near me. Then I saw a terrifying creature that was green and enormous with large bloody eyes begin to approach us. I couldn't say anything, all I could do was point. Lady Bernese turned around, but she couldn't see it so just called me silly. She went back to doing the puzzle that we were working on. Then the creature raised its scaly hand, and with its long sharp nail and slit her throat. Blood began oozing down her neck. I could see a gap and the inside of her throat. The blood was sinking into her shirt. Soon it began dripping to the floor surrounding the kind dead lady in her own blood. I opened my mouth to scream but he threatened to kill me too unless I remained silent. I obeyed him and he tied Lady Bernese's limp body to a chair and drew a circle of blood around her. Then he forced me to dip my hands in her still warm blood and write on the floor:

"She was the first, but not the last." At this point I began to cry wildly and he suddenly became terrified  and told me to stop crying at once. I got so mad that he wouldn't even let me cry when the person I held dearest had died. The next thing I knew,my tears had formed knives and began to attack him from behind. He let out a yelp, and then he had vanished. When Lady Bernette came to investigate the sound she began to scream with fear and anger. She saw her sister, the blood, and me.

Now, I'm waiting for exorcists to come and exercise the demon that is "possessing" me. I wonder what they'll do when they find out I'm not possessed, and find that I am a demon princess.

*Note: I know this is a bit morbid, but the rest of the chapters wont be, I promise! I am going to do this fanfic. according to the anime because mangas continue for a long time with a bunch of twists and turns. I hope you enjoy! :) *

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