It Only Takes Once (Chapter 1)

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"I can't believe I let you drag me out here" I whined to my younger sister Shamika. She had made an A on three of her college end of course exams and wanted to celebrate. My sister Shakayla was at home with her son and husband, her best friend was out of town, and she'd just had an arguement with her boyfriend so that leaves me.

"Shut up, you know you wanted to come. Maybe you'll find a man" she said grabbing my hand and leading me inside the packed club. The lights were low, it smelled like weed, bodies were everywhere, and every five minutes somebody would grab my ass. Mika pulled me to the bar and ordered us each a shot; we downed them and I ordered another. There was no way I was staying here sober. I placed my shot glass on the bar and I felt eyes on me. I slowly turned and was met by piercing dark brown eyes. I unconsciously licked my lips and my eyes left his, he had milk chocolate skin, a nice edge up with deep waves, thick juicy lips , and-"

"Shakayln what the hell you looking at I been calling your name for damn near five minutes" Mika said snapping me out of my trance. I looked away from the man who was smirking at me and looked at me sister who was also smirking.

"Girl he is sexy, you might have to hop on that." Mika said twerking against me. I blushed and turned around to see the man was still staring. He was in VIP with bottles surrounding him and half naked women dancing on him. He winked at me and gestured for me to come to where he was. I smiled and shook my head no, I turned around an ordered a 'Sex on the Beach'.

"Bitch are you gon' come dance with me or drink all night?" Mika asked putting her hands on her hips. I finished off my drink and grabbed her hand leading her to the dance floor. 'Girls Love Beyonce' by Drake was playing and we started dancing with each other. I was feeling myself until I was surrounding by a strong musky scent. I felt a hard toned body press up against mine and Mika's eyes widened then she smiled and left! I continued to dance with this stranger's body attached to mine; to be honest it felt good. When the song was over I slowly turned around and was met with those eyes. He smiled at me and I blushed; damn this nigga was fine, he had perfectly straight white teeth, a dimple in his left cheek and a goatee. He was definitely fine.

"What's your name beautiful?" His deep baritone voice rumbled against my ear drum. His voice alone had my body in chills and my panties moist. I don't know if it was the alcohol in my system or if he was just that sexy.

"Diamond." I said lying straight through my teeth. I don't know what made me tell that lie.

"Nice to me you Diamond, I'm Khadarious but you can call me KD" He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. His lips scorching my skin; damn this man was fine as hell. I blushed and told him the same. 'Dance For You' by Beyonce came on and there was a spark in his eyes. "You want to dance?" he asked spinning me around and pulling me into his muscled chest. He was a good couple inches taller than me even heels. I immediately felt his manhood grow beneath me. I heard him groan quietly as I worked my body on him. I usually don't act like this, I don't know what's gotten into me, maybe it was the alcohol. After dancing to several songs our bodies had become well acquainted with each other. I could feel his mahood poking me in my lower back and my juices were flowing freely.

"Ready to get outta here?" he asked his voice was laced with lust so I knew that only meant one thing. Sex. I hadn't had sex in damn near three years; it wasn't because I couldn't get any simply because I was too busy for a relationship or sex. I was a high power lawyer with responsibilities; money to make and clients to please. Hell I was only 26 but well on my way to being a multi millionaire.

I looked up at him with the same lust in my eyes as his and bit my lip. I guess that answered his question because he told me to meet him outside in seven minutes. Why seven I don't know, I just knew my ass would be outside waiting for him in seven minutes.

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