It Only Takes Once (Epilogue Part II)

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"Baby, when are you coming home?" I asked Khadarious. He had called me about thirty minutes ago, but I couldn't answer because I was tending to Kaylin's booboo.

My poor baby fell and skinned her knee while running after her little brother's. She cried for Khadarious for about twenty minutes straight and then she finally fell asleep.

"I don't know babe."He sighed making me shake my head and roll my eyes.

Khylan and K.J's tenth birthday was tomorrow and so was their party.

I was chopping up the lettuce and tomatoes, the phone was wedged between my ear and my shoulder.

"Is Khy back yet?" He asked after I'd remained quiet. Khylan had gone out with my sisters, Victoria, Kamile and Jayde to get her hair, nails, and toes done for tomorrow.

"Nope." I mumbled.

"Baby don't be like that." He told me making me roll my eyes. "Imma teach you about rolling them eyes." He said making me laugh.

"I didn't even roll them." I lied.

"Lie to me again Shakayln." He replied smacking his lips making me giggle.

He knows me all too well.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked while mixing my ingredients together.

"About to take a shit." He answered.

"I hate you." I laughed.

"You asked, not my fault." He said laughing along with me. "What are you doing?" He asked trying to mock my voice.

"Making dinner." I answered.

"What you making?" He asked

"Well Josh was begging me to make Mexican food, so I'm making tacos, cheese and chicken enchiladas, bacon and cheese quesadillas, rice, and beans." I told him while closing the over door with my hip after I'd put in the enchiladas.

"You gon' have my lil nigga on the toilet all night." He said making me smack my lips.

"I made K J's without cheese." I said rolling my eyes. "I know better than to feed my lactose intolerant son all that cheese Khadarious."

"I was just saying man, don't get a attitude." He laughed.

"You need to hurry home before I really get an attitude." I told him.

"Why?" He asked. "You miss me?" He said making me smile.

"Nope." I mumbled. "My walls are finally getting a break." I told him seriously making him laugh.

"Just wait until I get home." He chuckled. "They really gon' need a break." He wasn't lying either.

"Whatever Khadarious, by the time you finally get back I'll already be on my cycle." I smirked.

"I guess you'll be putting them jaws to work then." He laughed making me bust out laughing.

"Fuck you Khadarious." I mugged, trying to hold in my laugh.

I heard the door open before I heard the voices of my my sisters, daughter, sister in law, and cousin.

"All I know is, his black ass better be at my rehearsal dinner." I heard Kamile fuss.

"I'll call you later babe, the girls are back." I told him.

"Alright shawty, I'll talk to you later. Love you." He said making me smile before I told him the same.

"Bye lil Mama, tell everybody I said hello and kiss my kids for me." He said as Princess Beyoncé ran into the kitchen and laid at my feet.

"I will. Bye baby." I told him before hanging up the phone.

"Was that my big head brother?" Kamile asked when they all came piling into the kitchen.

"Yes, he said hello." I said relaying the message. "And he told me to give you this." I yelled before running over to Khylan and kissing her all over her face.

"Mooooom." She groaned. "You're going to mess up my hair." She whined trying to finger her little curls back into place.

"I'm sorry baby." I laughed before fluffing her hair. "How was it, did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yes, look at my nails." She said waving her hands in my face. "The lady said they made the decals just for me." She grinned.

"I love them, they're beautiful." I smiled, grabbing her hand so I could examine them.

I specifically told Alex, my nail technician no fake nails. To my approval he added no fake nails and her nails were still beautiful. I ordered these expensive ass nail decorations I knew Khy would like from Beyoncés website.

"I know, they're beautiful. Queen Bey would be proud." She sighed in admiration making me laugh.

This child is too dramatic.

"Go get ready for dinner." I told her before kissing her forehead and sending her on her way. After I greeted everyone, I turned around and put the finishing touches on dinner.

"Sissy, I've missed you." I sang when Shamika wrapped her arms around me and rested her very pregnant belly on my back.

"I've missed you more." She sang back before going and taking a seat at the island.

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