It Only Takes Once (Chapter 25)

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"Tori! He's awake, go get a nurse. Hurry!" I yelled at her.

I heard Khadarious start making noises and when I looked back down at him, he was trying to yank out the tubes from his nose and throat with his right hand. He still wasn't using his left side, and he was awake.

Not a good sign.

"No! Baby don't do that." I said trying to move his hand away from the tubes before he was successful in pulling them out, that would not be a good thing at all.

She jumped up wide eyed not

knowing what to do. She just stood there looking dumb. "Go get a nurse you idiot." I yelled throwing my wallet at her while I was still trying to restrain Khadarious.

"I'm going, I'm going." She yelled back at me before sprinting out the door hollering "Nurse, nurse come quick. My nigga is finally awake."

I looked away from her retreating back before shaking my head and laughing. I focused my attention back to Khadarious and looked back down into Khadarious's glazed over eyes. "Baby can you hear me?" I asked touching his face once he had finally calmed down and stopped fighting me.

His blank stare had me nervous as hell. I felt myself getting emotional all over again as all these different scenarios and thoughts came flooding into my head. They were all playing over and over again.

Did he remember me?

Does he still want me?

Was he awake for good?

Was he going to slip back under?

Did he have brain damage?

Would he be handicap?

Does he have a physical ailment?

Is my hair a mess?

Did I forget to put on makeup to hide this big ass pimple?

Am I ugly now that my face is fuller and my nose is wide?

Am I fat now that I'm almost nine months pregnant?

"She's coming but it might take a while." Tori said breathlessly as she ran back into the hospital room.

"Why?" I asked with an attitude. I was paying thousands of dollars a day for Khadarious's care and when he finally wakes up, it might take a while because I had to wait on a damn nurse.

Oh hell no, it's going down. I was about to set that hospital all the way off, pregnant and all.

"Well the nurse is kinda healthy." Tori said uneasily.

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" I asked getting out of the hospital bed with her help.

"It might take her a while to get here." She replied simply, I looked at her upside her head before she began talking again. "You know big people can't walk as fast as us." She said as like it was self explanatory when I looked at her for an explination behind her reasoning.

"Tori shut up." I said rolling my eyes at her and then hitting her upside her big head.

"What?" She asked swatting my hand away. "I was serious." She said mugging me.

"That was rude and so not true." I said rolling my eyes. "Precious ran fast as hell when she stole that chicken." I said seriously.

As soon as that came out of my mouth Khadarious started making a loud gurgling noise. He had a tube down his throat and running up his nose so he couldn't speak at the moment. It probably would have scared me if I hadn't known what was going on.

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