It Only Takes Once (Chapter 6)

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"Shakayln wake up" Khadarious said shaking me awake. I groaned and rolled to the other side of the bed. Only for him to get in the bed and climb on top of me. I cracked one of my eyes open and looked at him grinning down at me. Despite it being early in the morning and it being a Saturday I couldn't help but to crack a smile at the goofy face he was making.

"What do you want?" I groaned trying to push him off me.

"Get up, we're going out" He said simply before kissing my forehead and getting off the bed.

"Where are we going?" I asked stretching before getting out of the bed. My soreness was a reminder of what we did last night.

"It's a surprise" He said poking his head back into the room. As the days went by Khadarious and I have become inseparable; he's like my bestfriend. In all honesty I can say I'm happy that I'm marrying him; he's respectful and caring, he gives me everything I want and more, he caters to my every need, he can cook, and on top of all that the sex is amazing.

Our 'wedding' is exactly a week away from today and Khadarious's birthday is in three days, I keep asking him what he wants to do to celebrate but he always says the same thing; 'as long as I spend my birthday with you and my babies I'm good.' At first I found it cute and heartwarming but now I just want a straight answer.

So I took it upon myself to plan a surprise birthday party for him with the help of Devin. Before the party we're going to have a big ass dinner party for our families and we're also going to tell them about me carrying twins. My due date is March 7th but Dr. Ross doesn't think I'll make it, she said I'll probably have the baby sometime in February.

"How should I dress?" I asked him coming out of the bathroom from my shower in just a towel. K.D looked up from his phone and I saw the look that passed through his eyes when he saw me in only a towel. "No Khadarious, I'm still sore from last night" I whined taking steps away from him.

Khadarious didn't say anything he just backed me into the wall and lifted me in his arms. "You gon' let me get some?" He asked before bending down to kiss my neck and working his way up to my lips and back down to my neck again. I didn't respond I just placed him at my entrance.

Long story short, he fucked me against the wall. My legs were now numb and vagina was sore not to mention I was getting nauseous because of that damn Cologne he's always wearing.

"Quit looking at me like that" Khadarious groaned while trying to hide his face with his shoulder

"I'm mad at you" I said rolling my eyes at him. We were in the car on the way to visit Khadarious's father at the prison. Since we've been together Khadarious has gone to see his father three times without me and this time he brought me along without telling me where we were going. I'm glad I wore something presentable; even if he is in prison I still want to make a good impression.

"Daddy's sorry" He said looking at me briefly before putting his eyes back on the road.

"What if he doesn't like me?" I said without acknowledging or accepting his apology.

"He will, but even if he doesn't, you're my wife not his. As long as I like you we good" He said making me laugh

"Aww you like me?" I asked him turning in my seat and facing him with a big ass grin on my face.

"Man Shakayln gon' on" He said smacking his lips when I kept hitting his arm because he was ignoring me.

"Then answer my question" I whined tugging on his arm some more.

"You already know the answer so I don't even know why you asking me" He replied before exiting the freeway.

"No I don't, tell me" I said folding my arms across my chest.

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