It Only Takes Once (Chapter 7)

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Okay so chapter 6 was made private by Wattpad so you have to be a follower to ready it. Sorry, I know, I hate it too! Sorry for the long wait my son and I both started school last week and I've just been really 'busy' lately. This is sort of a filler chapter but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thanks for your patience *Kisses*

"Babe wake up" I said kissing Khadarious all over his face. He usually wakes before I do, but since today was his birthday and I wanted to make him breakfast in bed I had to wake up at the crack of dawn.

"I'm up" He mumbled putting his forearm over his face.

"Happy Birthday Baby" I said moving his arm out of the way to kiss him.

"Thank you, now let me go back to sleep" He said closing his eyes and trying to go back to sleep. He didn't get home until late last night at around four this morning; someone had broken into one of his 'trap houses' and he had to go 'handle business'.

"Okay, well I made you breakfast. I have to go get ready for work" I said giving him one final kiss before climbing off his body and getting out of the bed.

"Thank you baby" He said coming into the bathroom to use the bathroom. I had just gotten out of the shower and I was at the sink about to brush my teeth.

"You're welcome" I said putting toothpaste on my toothbrush. I guess he had already eaten his food because he went to his sink and started brushing his teeth as well. "What are you doing today?" I asked after I had rinsed my mouth with mouth wash.

"Just work" He said after spitting in the sink

"Not today, you're going to relax today. I'm sending you to the spa, you need a haircut anyway" I said walking out of the bathroom and to my closet.

"Men don't go to the spa" He complained from the bathroom.

"They do now" I said laughing before I took a simple black dress and a pink blazer from the rack.

"Hey Devin" I said greeting him when he walked into the bedroom while I was doing my hair at the vanity. It took me some time to get used to him coming to the house unannounced. Since he has a key and all the pass codes he's liable to bust in the house at any moment.

"Wassup Shak, where's the birthday boy?" Devin asked after mushing me in my head.

"In the shower, Devin I swear you better keep your mouth shut while y'all are together" I said pointing my curling iron at him.

"You know I'm a horrible liar" He said sitting on the bed.

"Well you better figure something out. You still have the schedule I text you right?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes mother" He said making a face at me. I gave him the middle finger and turned around and continued to do my hair.

"Wassup my nigga" Khadarious said to Devin as they gave each other dap. I sprayed some Spritz in my hair, put on some lip gloss and I was ready to go to work.

"Bye baby, bye Dev. Have fun and behave" I said kissing Khadarious on the lips and slapping Devin in the back of the head. "Don't forget your insulin" I yelled while running out the front door.

"Ms. Smith you have a visitor" My secretary Macy said coming into my office after knocking on the door.

"Okay thanks, go ahead and send them in" I said without looking up from the papers on my desk. Moments later I heard my door open and close again.

"Long time no see Squirt" A voice said making my head shoot up and glare at the one man who I truly loved and broke my heart.

"Get out" I demanded without hesitation. When he tried to protest I cut him off by throwing my bedazzled stapler at his head. "Get the fuck out before I call security on your ass" I said picking up the phone on my desk to call security.

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