It Only Takes Once (Chapter 8)

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"Shakalyn can you iron my pants?" Khadarious asked coming into the guest room I slept in last night. I was putting on Cocoa Butter before getting dressed for church.

"Hell no" I said simply before putting the bottle of lotion on the dresser.

"Are you really still mad about last night?" He asked smacking his lips "I said I was sorry" He said shrugging his shoulders.

"No you didn't, you told me to get over it and come to bed" I argued while standing up to put on my black and white stripped Maxi skirt.

"Same thing, you knew what I meant" He said shrugging his shoulders again.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes before stepping into my skirt.

"I'm sorry Shakayln" He said walking towards me.

"For?" I asked folding my arms over my chest

"Being rude" He mumbled rolling his eyes

"Thank you, that wasn't so hard was it" I said cocking my head to the side.

"Hell yeah it was, I'm not the type of nigga to apologize" He said coming and sitting on the bed.

"Well you are now" I said kissing the top of his head before leaving the room to go get the iron and ironing board.

"Thanks babe" He said kissing me on my nose before kissing my lips.

"You're welcome, now hurry before we're late" I said patting his butt before shooing him out of the room so I could finish getting ready.

On the way to and from church Khadarious held my hand and during church his arm was around my waist the whole time.

After church we all went out to eat at this Italian restaurant. "So where's the wedding, we don't know any details all we know is, is that ya'll are getting married August 25." Shakayla complained looking at me.

"Well we weren't going to do anything special. Just go to the courthouse and then maybe a reception" I said shrugging my shoulders before taking a bite of my breadstick.

"Why the hell not?" Kamile asked wrinkling up her face.

"Too short of notice" I said simply

"Fine, do what you want" She said huffing making me laugh. The rest of dinner went great; we talked about the babies and motherhood.

"Goodnight Khadarious" I said kissing the top of his head.

"What you mean goodnight?" He asked scrunching up his face. "It's only three in the afternoon" He said pointing to the watch on his wrist that I bought him.

"I'm tired, you know I gotta get in my Sunday nap" I said laughing

"No, stay up with me. You can sleep later, come watch a movie with me or something" He said pulling me down in his lap.

"But I'm sleepy" I whined

"You can sleep later" He said kissing my neck

"Ugh fine" I groaned

"Okay let's have sex, I'm horny as fuck and you wouldn't let me get none last night" He said trying to take my top off.

"Nope, I'm holding out until we get married" I said shaking my head.

"You serious?" He asked raising his eyebrow up at me.

"Yes I'm serious Khadarious" I said laughing after I saw the look he had on his face. "Come on, let's a movie" I said getting off his lap and leading him to movie theatre that was on the second floor of the house.

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