It Only Takes Once (Chapter 30)

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You wake up, flawless
Post up, flawless
Ride round in it, flawless
Flossin' on that, flawless
This diamond, flawless
My diamond, flawless
This rock, flawless
My rock, flawless

I woke up like this I woke up like this
We flawless, ladies tell 'em
I woke up like this I woke up like this
We flawless, ladies tell 'em
Say I, look so good tonight
Oh damn, oh damn
Say I, look so good tonight
Oh damn, Oh damn

"Shakayln shut up." Khadarious hollered from our bedroom. I had been singing to this damn Beyoncé CD for the past two days and I've been getting on everybody's nerves in the process.

I did buy the thing twice on iTunes and nine hard copies. One for each one of the cars I normally ride in, one for our bedroom, one for the office, one for the nursery, one in the gym for when I do yoga while Khadarious has his therapy, and one for the kitchen.

"You shut up." I yelled back at him before I continued singing while doing my hair. Khadarious was taking me out somewhere tonight, as well as going on a trip tomorrow. He wouldn't tell me where, all he would tell me is that I needed to bring a comfortable change of clothes and a bathing suit along with the dress he bought me.

Khadarious has now been home for two days and my due date is fastly approaching. I'm getting more and more nervous as the days go by. I'm so anxious to meet my babies, I don't know what to do with myself, so Khadarious planned a trip for us to get away before the babies are born. I just pray I don't go into labor during this trip.

I was a little hesitant at first to go because I'm pregnant as hell and Khadarious is cripple. That's a bad ass combination, but he assured me everything would be fine. He has his nurse and physical therapist coming along with us, just in case of any emergency.

You wake up, flawless
Post up, flawless
Ride round in it, flawless
Flossin' on that, flawless
This diamond, flawless
My diamond, flawless
This rock, flawless
My rock, flawless

"I thought I told you to shut up." Khadarious said coming into the room with me with only a towel on. "It's too damn early in the morning for you to be blasting this song."

I had just finished flat ironing my hair and was just about to apply my makeup and get dressed. I had already showered, lotioned my body, and brushed my teeth. I was dressed in only my undergarments and one of Khadarious's shirts.

"You're not the boss of me though." I smirked before winking at him and then dancing in my chair to the beat of the song. "And it's almost noon."

"We'll see about that." He smirked while walking towards me making me subconsciously lick my lips. He was still wet from his shower and he was looking mighty good in that towel he was wearing.

"Baby don't start." I groaned when his lips latched onto my neck and one of his hand came in between my thighs. "I just did my hair." I groaned before he covered my mouth with his own.

He surprisingly lifted me with ease off of my feet and placed me on the vanity. Lifting my shirt and spread my legs in the process. "Khadarious." I moaned when I felt him placing delicate kisses on my inner thigh.

"Relax baby." He mumbled against my skin before I felt his mouth began inching it's way closer to my womanhood.

"What if I fall?" I groaned when I felt his thumb pressed up against my sensitized clit. "Baby your leg." I mumbled when I saw him get on his knees in front of me.

"I gotchu baby, I'm fine."  He mumbled before diving into my wetness.

My back arched off of the wall as his skilled fingers and tongue took hold of my womanhood. His thick fingers plunged into me time after time picking up speed each time while his tongue stroked my clit. I was having trouble containing myself; I was trying to hold back my moans and screams because Pops was still here, but it seemed like with each flick of his tongue and each increased thrust of his finger Khadarious wanted me screaming his name. As I came to my orgasm, I gave him the satisfaction of screaming his name as I rode out the waves of my orgasm.

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