It Only Takes Once (Chapter 3)

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Shakayln POV:

I was on my knees, in front of the toilet, spilling the contents of my stomach out while my sister Shamika held my hair away from the toilet bowl and patted my back trying to comfort me.


"I got them." my best friend Victoria said coming into the bathroom holding a bag from CVS pharmacy. I got off my knees and flushed the toilet before washing my face and brushing my teeth.

"I'm not pregnant." I mumbled snatching the bag out of her hand and rolling my eyes at her. "Get out so I can prove y'all monkey ass's wrong." I said pushing them all out the bathroom.

"I knew it bitch!" Shamika said busting through the bathroom door and looking at all 38 positive pregnancy test I'd taken. I was numb, I couldn't react, I couldn't cry, I couldn't come up with a smart remark, and I sure as hell couldn't be happy. I knew babies were a blessing and a gift from God but damm, I wanted to married to a loving husband, living in a nice big house, be well established in my career and have my parents here to witness it all.

"Aw hunny it's gonna be okay." Victoria said coming and hugging me. I immediately broke down crying as soon as her arms wrapped around me. "You're gonna be a great mother I know it." she said stepping away from me and wiping my face with a tissue and holding to my nose. "Blow." she said and I obeyed her command by blowing my nose into the tissue while she held it like a I was a child.

"I have sex for the first time in years and I get pregnant." I mumbled looking down at all the test sitting on my bathroom counter.

"Sissy it will be okay I promise, like Victoria said you're going to be a great mother and I'm going to be an even better auntie. So turn that frown upside down my nigga." Shamika said making me laugh. She is so obsessed with Trinidad James after every sentence she adds 'my nigga'

I was about to respond when my work phone rang. Ugh, I already have seven new cases that need to be reviewed and I really don't need another on my plate right now.

"Shakayln Smith, may I help you." I said into the phone, I raced out of my bedroom and into my office to have access to my laptop.

"Yes hi this is Maria Castillo. I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Khadarious Daniels, he's one of your clients, he's been arrested and he needs you to come get the money to post his bail and pick him up." I typed everything she said, asked her for the bail amount. I typed his name into my database to get his information; I wrote it on a notepad and quickly went back to my room to get dressed. Duty calls.

I dressed in a simple black pencil skirt, a sleeveless white ruffled top, and my cheetah print Christian Louboutin's. I added gold jewelry and put my hair into a high bun on top of my head and combed my bangs down. Although it was almost midnight and I probably would only be in this outfit for an hour tops I had to be professional at all times and professional to me meant cute.

"Um excuse me, where the hell are you going at almost midnight dressed like that?" Shamika asked when she saw me with my purse and briefcase coming out of my bedroom. Her and Victoria had moved from my bathroom to my living room where they were currently watching 'Love and Basketball'.

"Gotta go bail a client out of jail goodnight love you guys." I said walking out of the front door of my house. I hopped into my Range Rover and typed the address Maria gave me into my GPS. I arrived in less than twenty minutes, it was a parking lot of a nail salon. The parking lot was deserted except for a Ford Explorer so I pulled up to the side of the car and Maria handed over the money thanking and blessing me for helping her boss. I simply told her it was my job and drove away in the direction my client was imprisoned in. I looked down at my notes I had printed out and noticed his name was Khadarious. Khadarious, no it couldn't be my Khadarious. I instantly shook that thought away as I pulled into the crowded parking lot of the jail.

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