It Only Takes Once (Chapter 21)

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This can't be happening. He was just with me a couple hours ago, we spent the whole day together, we made love to each other.

This can't be happening.

"Shakayln are you still there?" She asked through the phone.

I was too in shock to reply.

"You need to get here baby and fast." She said before hanging up the phone.

I stuffed my feet into my Ugg boots, grabbed my belongings and was out the door in minutes.

I had to pull over a total of seven times before I got to the hospital because I couldn't see due to the tears that clouded my vision.

I wouldn't let them fall, I was determined not to let them fall. Khadarious wouldn't want me crying all over the place.

It felt like all eyes were on me when I stepped foot into the hospital waiting room.

Everyone was already there and waiting, including all of Khadarious's family and mine.

"Baby girl I am so sorry." Victoria said grabbing me into a big hug. The moment she wrapped her arms around me, the dam that was holding my tears broke.

"I know Shak." She whispered in my ear while rubbing my back.

"Come on and sit down sweetie." Khadarious's grandmother said grabbing my hand and leading me to a row of chairs facing a large TV.

"How is he?" I croaked out. We had been sitting there in silence for the past twenty minutes, although I wanted to know how he was I was scared of the answer I would get.

"Well, he was shot seven times." Shakayla began to explain, being a nurse gave her a little more insight to what was actually going on.

Seven times, my baby was shot seven times. Not once, not twice, not even three times, hell I would've even taken five times. But seven times.

I didn't even want to listen to the rest of what she was saying, I couldn't concentrate.

Seven times.

He was shot, seven times.

"Seven times." I croaked. Shakayla had finished her explanation but I was still stuck on seven times.

"Shak, did you hear what I said?" She asked shaking me gently. I shook my head before wiping my wet face with my trembling fingers.

"He's banged up pretty bad Shak, but he's going to be okay." She said smiling reassuringly at me.

"Can I see him?" I asked hopefully.

"He's in surgery right now baby but I'm sure as soon as he gets out you'll be able to see him." Aunt Charmaine told me before wiping my face with a Kleenex. I nodded at her before getting up from my seat.

I just wanted to be alone.

"Where you going Shak?" Mika asked following me.

"I just want to be alone." I whispered before walking away from her and down the hall.

I walked the grounds of the hospital aimlessly for nearly an hour. Somehow I found myself sobbing into my hands while sitting Indian style on the ground by the vending machines in the maternity ward.

"He'll be fine Squirt." I heard Byron say before I felt his body settle by mine on the ground.

"Everything was going so well." I cried on his shoulder.

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