It Only Takes Once (Chapter 2)

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Khadarious POV:

I cracked an eye open and saw the place beside me was empty. I got out the bed, pulled on a pair of boxers and went off in search for Diamond. I was kinda feeling ole girl; she was beautiful, funny, goofy, had mad head game and there was something about her that just made me want to get to know her better. I walked all throughout my house calling her name, when I never got a response my heart was crushed. This shit is why I stay single; fuck em and duck em, but I caught feelings after only one night of fucking. I walked into my kitchen and saw a note on the counter, the handwriting was beautiful, I smirked when I read the note. Dick must've been real good for her to cook me breakfast before she left. The food was still warm so I dug into it, baby girl could throw down for real, in the kitchen and the bedroom.

I pushed all my thoughts about Diamond aside and went upstairs to prepare for my day. After showering and taking care of my hygiene; I dressed in my usual work attire. A black dress shirt and slacks; yeah I'm a kingpin but I'm also a businessman who takes his job very serious. I turned my security alarm on and hopped in my Escalade and drove to my first destination; my main trap house on the South side. I had to make sure my money was matching up with my books; I'm no stupid nigga, I went to college and graduated with a Bachelors in business. I owned several businesses such as; car washes, nail salons, hair salons, barber shops, restaurants, dry cleaners, clubs, bars, strip clubs and convinient stores.

"Killah" one of my employees said greeting me at the door. He opened the door for me and ushered me into the building. We walked into the main area where there were naked broads cutting up, grinding, bagging, and labeling product. I nodded my head in approval and followed the employee to another room in the trap house where we housed our weapons such as; guns, machinery, and attack dogs. I again nodded my head in approval with what I saw; we made one more stop before going to my office to check the books. The security room; in this security room we have footage and film from every business I own, every trap house I operate, every house in my name in every single room. I nodded again and dapped the security guard who was monitoring the cameras. We left the security room and went to my office so I could check the books and make sure my transactions were matching up with the money that was coming in.

"Uh what's your name again" I asked the employee who was giving me the information and making sure I was taken care of.

"Devin sir" he said straightening up his posture and putting extra base in his voice.

"Devin, you doing a good job around here I appreciate it. Have a seat" I said offering him the chair directly in front of my desk before I sat down.

"Thank you sir I appreciate it" He said sitting down before placing a thick binder on my desk. I took my reading glasses out my desk and began looking over the files, Devin had the exact same book I had.

"How much we bring in the last two weeks from the East trap house?" I asked without looking up from the numbers in the book on my desk. Devin flipped through a couple pages in his book before answering.

"780,692 sir" he said highlighting the number with a yellow highlighter.

"Somebody's been fucking with my money" I growled looking over the amount of heavy transactions the East trap house has had, they should have made well over 1,000,000 those two weeks. I pulled out a calculator from my desk and began typing in the numbers from my books while Devin read them to me and my suspicions were correct. Somebody was indeed fucking with my money and when I found out who it was, there would be hell to pay. They don't call me 'Killah' for nothing. I sighed before closing the binder and lighting a blunt.

"Call the main nigga from the East trap house over here, tell him I want to talk to him but don't scare him in the meantime tell one of them other niggas to prepare the dungeon and start stage one. I'll be back before noon" I said after my blunt was finished and my nerves were calmed a little.

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