It Only Takes Once (Chapter 13)

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"What the fuck happened in here!" I yelled when I walked in my East trap house. To say it was destroyed would be a huge understatement. There were papers and boxes strewn everywhere, furniture was broken, and my workers looked a hot ass mess.

"Rayne happened" Trent said simply before leading the way to the dungeon.

When he opened the door I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see. Rayne was clearly on drugs, heavy drugs at that. She wasn't the same beautiful Rayne I used to fuck with, this was a different Rayne.

She had patches missing out of her hair from where she pulled it out, her skin was pale and blotchy, she stunk, her clothes were in tatters, her face had sunken in, and her body was shaking, she looked like she was going through with withdrawl symptoms.

"Come on" I said holding my hand out to her. She was high off her ass so she couldn't comprehend what I was saying. I picked her up and carried her to my car.

"This shit better be cleaned up when I get back" I barked before walking out the doors of the trap house and to my truck.

"Baby, I'm not coming home tonight" I said pulling out of the parking lot. After I put Rayne in the car I called Shakayln, I didn't want her to be worried or suspicious when I didn't come home.

"Where are you?" She asked sounding worried

"I'm handling business, I'll be home in the morning." I said looking at Rayne's slumped over form in the backseat of my truck.

"Fine" She said sighing

"I know baby, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise, love you" I said feeling bad for leaving her at home alone.

"It's okay, goodnight" She said before hanging up the phone. I sighed before running my hand over my face.

Once I arrived at the safe house I got out and hauled Rayne into the house. I laid her in one of the spare bedrooms until I got clothes for her to sleep in. She wasn't unconcious but she definitely couldn't do for herself.

I got her some clothes to sleep in before going into the bathroom to run her a bath. While I was running her bath water I heard her crying and screaming.

"Rayne calm down" I said rushing into the room. Her body was shaking uncontrollably and she was sweating although the air condition was blowing full blast.

"K.D, I'm sorry" She cried hysterically "I'm so sorry" she kept saying "Help me please" She cried clawing at her skin "K.D please, you have to help me" She cried before reaching out to me and clinging onto my shirt.

"Rayne stop, everything is going to be okay. Let's just get you cleaned up and we can talk okay" I said trying to calm her down.

I helped her get undressed and carried her to the bathroom. Normally I would have been ready to fuck but seeing those track marks on her arm, seeing her face sunk in, seeing her so small only made me want to pity her.

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