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As I walked down the school hallways the smell of boy sweat mixed with perfume, I kept telling myself this would be a new school year, and the more I told myself that the more I believed it. My family and I went up to our lake house for the summer when one night, somehow a forest fire started and one of the trees fell on the house, only me and my younger sister got out. That day we lost out parents and our two month old baby brother. So now me and Miranda live with our aunt Laura and uncle David. But every day I live with the pain of missing them, and the feeling that it was all my fault.

The sound of the school bell sounded like a woman screaming in pain, and the sound of the teacher writing his name on the chalkboard sounded like a person scraping their nails on it, and that sent a chill down my spine as my arms got goosebumps. In the middle of class a new student walked in wearing a black leather jacket, his hair brown like light chocolate and his eyes dark brown almost as black as night. I could see the teacher point him to a seat and what are the odds that he gets seated next to me. My heart dropped, I was so nervous and shy that the rest of the class I faced the front of the room. Then once the bell rang I grabbed my books and left class as soon as I could, until I bumped into Carter my crush since second grade.
"Oh um hey Carter um well it's lunch so I'm just gonna go excuse me" I said

As I moved around him and headed to the cafeteria as my cheeks turned red. In the cafeteria I got in line for food, when the new guy stepped next to me in line, I couldn't breathe. I didn't get it, what was it about this guy that made me so nervous and whatever it was I didn't like it. I walked over to my friends at the table and all they talked about was the new guy, as I just sat there picking at my food. Shay, some one called my name as I looked up.
"I said do you think that new guy is cute" Rachel said
As all the girls leaned in waiting for my answer.
"I don't know okay" I yelled.
"Oh Shay I'm sorry I forgot about what happened this summer you pore thing" Alyssa said as she rubbed my back. Tears started to go down my face but I wiped them away.
"it's fine it's fine" I said as I got up and walked away as the bell rang and I headed to gym. But there he was again and just the way he looked I could tell he was bad news. Mrs. Jean the gym teacher made us start ten laps, I was running my third lap when the new guy came running up next to me and again my heart dropped.
"Shay is it that's a nice name I once knew a Shay until I moved" the new guy said with his voice so settle.
"Why are you talking to me" I said not holding back.
"What do you mean can people not talk to people I thought that's what people do you know" he said.
"Ya but why talk to me I bet there's a lot of girls that would love to talk to you" I said with a little anger.
"That's just it you're not like the other girls oh we're are my manners hi I'm Aaron" Aaron said with a slick smile. But I just ran away up to my friends up ahead.
After school I was walking along the school side walk, when I saw Aaron in the school parking lot getting on his motorcycle, I thought I could keep walking without him seeing me
but that was to late.
"Hey Shay" Aaron called me
over but I kept waking.
"Hey Shay" Aaron yelled again this time running towards me.
"Hey you want a ride" Aaron offered but I said no.
"Oh come on" Aaron said as he picked me up and carried me over to his bike. Next think I new I was sitting,
on his bike with my hands wrapped around his body holding on for my life.
Then the bike stopped as we arrived as some cafe as we walked inside.We sat down and got a plate of fries and
two rootbeers as we talked.
"Okay now let me guess you're one of those guys that thinks their a bad ass, goes finds a girl make them fall madly in love with you then breaks their heart and finds a new girl" I said.
"Ah Shay is this your way of saying your in love with me I'm flattered really" Aaron said with a laugh.
"Ah what no I didn't mean it like that" I said with a little anger in my tone but with a smile.
"It's okay I won't tell anyone your MADLY IN LOVE WITH ME"Aaron yelled for the whole cafe to hear.
"Ah your so annoying" I said as I kicked his leg under the table.
"Okay okay my turn let me guess you live in a nice house with your mom and dad you have a sister and brother and your the oldest oh and you have a dog wait and a cat" Aaron said as the memory of the fire came rushing back.

"No actually my mom dad and two month old baby brother died in a fire at our lake house, no dog no cat but only me and my 13 year old sister survived and now live with my aunt and uncle so you were close" I said with a slight laugh and tears rushing down my face
Aaron leaned over and wiped them away and we walked out the door.
That night I sat on my bed thinking if tomorrow would be a better day.

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