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Its morning, I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to have a shower.
Once I get out I wrap myself in a towel, I sat on my bed and went on my laptop. I saw a new message in my mailbox, I opened it to see it was from one of the collages I applied too and they wanted me to join their school.
I bolted to Laura's and David's room to tell them.

First day at collage
There I was, standing at the front of the collage, I take a deep breath then walk in. My first day was okay, I didn't make any friends but the whole time in class this guy by the name of Jake was staring at me. I was a little weirded out but he was kinda cute but I wasn't really wanting any guys in my life right now not after Carter and Aaron.
Back at home I was sitting on my bed studying.

"Shay there's someone at the door for you" yelled David.

I ran down stairs and walked over to the door.

"Jake" I asked.
"What are you doing here" I asked.
"I was wondering if you would like to go get some coffee with me some time  just I saw you in class today and thought your hair was so pretty"said Jake.
"Oh um, Jake I'm flattered but I'm kinda take a little break" I said
" Well maybe just a sit down talk" Jake asked.
" I'm sorry Jake you seem nice and all" I started to say.
" It's okay just had to try right" Jake said.
"Just let me know if you want to hang some time you know were to find me " Jake whispered softly sending chills down my back then he left.
" Who was that" asked David.
"Just some guy from my collage"I replied.
"Well it sure didn't seem like he was just a friend" David said.

I laughed and ran back up stairs.
The next day at the collage one my way to my next class I decided to go get some coffee with Jake  from the coffee machine on the collage grounds. Turns out Jake was gay and turns out deep inside I always wanted a gay friend. Jake understood me more then any of my friends before , as we walked Jake would do most of the talking and make me laugh.
Then out of no were there was Aaron

"Hi" said Aaron.

I look at Jake giving him the sign to go away.

"Oh I see how it is, I'm not wanted here well okay" Jake says.
"He's cute"Jake whispers in my ear then leaves.
"Who was that" Aaron asked.
"That's Jake he's a friend of mine but that's not the question the question is what are you doing here"I said.
"I went by you house to come talk to you but you uncle said you were here so here I am"Aaron said.
"Okay what did you want to talk about"I ask.
"I know I'm bad for you but I can't stop loving you Shay, I left my girlfriend for you because I knew from the beginning I loved you cause when I first walked into that class I thought I was broken and that no one could ever fix me but then there you were and my heart started putting it's self back together. I love your brown hair that looks like a chocolate waterfall,those eyes that look like they can see right into my soul and that smile oh that smile that can make my heart skip a beat"Aaron said then took hold of my hands bringing me tears of joy.

I wipe away the tears then speak.

"Aaron what are we doing, were chasing each other back and forth I think I mean we need sometime, you just left your girlfriend and I have to much on my mind like my studies" I replied.
"I understand but I will wait for you Shay no matter how long it takes" Aaron said softly, kissed my forehead then walked away.

I find Jake sitting at a table in the outside cafeteria and go to sit with him.

"Where's mister hottie"Jake asked.
"He's gone"I replied.

~Sort chapter~sorry xoxo~

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