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The next day I woke up and slammed my hand on my alarm clock and rolled out of bed and got ready for school.
Aunt Laura dropped me and Miranda at school then went to work, I got to my locker and put in my combo 15 for my moms favourite number, 40 for the age of my dad and 6 for the date of my brothers birthday, that's how I remember. I opened my locker and swigged my locker door open
when I heard Carter yell owe.
"Oh my god Carter I'm so sorry I didn't see you their" I apologized as Carter rubbed his head.
"It's fine really anyway I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date this weekend with me" Carter said with a big smile on his face but I could tell he was nervous.
I flipped inside, the boy I've been dreaming about ever since second grade, my cheeks turned red my heart pounding.
"Yes I mean sure sounds like fun" I said like a normal person but once he walked away I slammed my locker and ran to my friends to tell them the big news, but no the school bell decides to ring.

"Hey" Aaron whispered tapping my shoulder
"I'm not talking to you so just leave me alone" I whispered in anger but in a lady like way
"Wow what happened to you did the devil bite you in your sleep" Aaron asked
"NO" I yelled then got sent to the office.

By fourth block the office let my go back to class and this class was the best it was art class were I sit straight across from Carter. The whole class Carter was looking at me and I would look at him until the bell rang for lunch. That's when I told my friends about my date coming up this weekend and they were ecstatic.

By the end of the day me and Alyssa were walking down the street when Aaron came along on his little motorcycle , I was furious what was with this guy why me why ruin my life why.

"Hello ladies now Shay what was that attitude about today in science class I did not like that tone" Aaron companies.

"Nothing and your not my mother just leave me alone because I have a date this weekend and I don't need you making me stressed" I yelled back at him.
"Your going on a date even after you confessed your love for me" Aaron said in pain.
"What is he talking about" Alyssa said with a laugh.
I turned around and faced Alyssa

"Nothing it's a long story and I didn't MEAN IT THAT WAY" I yelled.
"Ah fine but don't think you can be running on back to me" Aaron cried and rides away.
"We're can I get one of those" Alyssa complained as she looked at Aaron ride away.
"Promise me you don't want one" I laughed.

Saturday 5:30pm DATE!!!

I was sitting at my desk in my room on my laptop when a rock flew in my room from the window. I walked over to see Carter standing outside holding two skateboards, I rushed down stairs and ran out the door and ran up to Carter.

"You ready to go" Carter asked.
"Absolutely" I replied

As we were riding the skateboards down the hill Carter held my hand and my heart dropped, butterflies were in my stomach, the whole time I couldn't stop smiling. The whole ride to the movie theatre all Carter wanted to talk about was me and what I loved and was into. I've never met a guy so wonderful it was like I was in Neverland, and I was Wendy and he was Peter Pan as we were flying away above the town. Once we got to the movies he payed for everything I was amazed my first date and I don't have to pay I was like woo. It was the best thing ever and get this we were the only ones in the theatre. From the corner of my eye I saw Carter looking at me so I turned to him.
"Hi"I said in a shy voice.
"Hey"Carter replied

As he leaned in my heart was pounding like I could fly as I leaned towards him. I could feel our lips touch and then things got a little carried away but not to carried away cause I still have my virginity
thank god.
As I walked to my front door Carter ran up to me and kissed me once more before he said good night.
"Does this mean we're dating now"I asked
"Shay you are the most beautiful girl I know and there is no one else I would want to be my girlfriend but you"Carter started to sing.
"No no no need for that" I said as I shut his mouth then kissed him goodbye.
Then I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a pop then closed the door to see auntie Laura.
"Ahh Auntie Laura you scared me" I yelled
"So how was your date" Laura asked all serious.
"Amazing amazing amazing he payed for everything he is the sweetest guy ever"I replied all happy.
"Still have your virginity"Laura asked in anger.
"Yes auntie Laura"I said as I rolled my eyes but she didn't see.
"Good" Laura said as a smile came upon her face.
"Now get to bed" Laura said as she pushed me up the stairs.
"Okay I love you" I yelled from the top of the stairs
"I love you to kid I love you too"said Laura.

That night before I went to bed I went on my phone to change my status to taken.
That night all I could think about was me and Carter, Carter and me aww I just couldn't fall asleep so I started texting him so that night I spent it texting my boyfriend yes I said boyfriend.

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