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When I heard my alarm clock go off this morning I didn't want to get up. I was so nervous to go to school to see Aaron and how I would be keeping a secret from Carter I just feel so pressured.
When I walked down the school hall I almost dropped to my knees when I saw Aaron coming down the other end of the hall walking to me. I didn't know what to do we haven't talked since I kissed him and he kissed me back.
From the corner of my eye I could see Carter walking my way from the school hall on my left, so then I quickly turned and ran to Carter and walked away with Carters hand in mine. I looked back behind me to see Aaron standing there looking at me I felt so bad.
When Carter walked me to class he kissed me goodbye but I pulled away and walked in to class and took a seat. Aaron came and sat next to me and I got goosebumps.

"Hi look I know your not talking to me but maybe can we at least talk after school" Aaron whispered.

I just looked away to the front of the class to the lesson.

"Shay" Aaron said as he put his hand on top of mine.

I looked back to Aaron oh and those eyes those brown gorgeous eyes.

"Fine" I said but inside I wasn't so sure.

After school Aaron told me to meet him on the back field but I never showed.
I had to pick up Miranda from school. On my way back home from picking up my sister I got a text from Aaron, he was asking were I was. It was a red light so I picked up my phone just to respond. After I sent the text I thought it would be a green light so I drove on.


I took a deep breath in then out then in again. My eyes started to open to see the ceiling of the hospital then looked to my right to see Aunt Laura sitting in a chair sleeping.

"Auntie Laura" I say.
"Shay sweet heart"Laura said as she got up to come hold my hand.
"What happened" I ask with a confused look on my face and quiet in my tone.
"You don't remember what happened"Laura said then I nodded my head no.
"You ran a red light and you car got hit and went spinning then the airbags went off and Miranda was sitting in the front and the airbag was to much pressure and it snapped her neck"Laura cried.
"What no she can't be gone your lying" I yelled in tears.
"Shay calm down" Laura yelled.
"Calm down calm down I've lost most of my family and your telling me to calm down" I shouted then ran into the hospital hallway.
"We're is she were is she I have to see her"I yelled running down the hall to find her room.

I saw Miranda, her body just there her eyes closed.
I dropped to my knees as my tears fell into my hands, I then lied on the hospital bed with Miranda close to me. One of my tears landed on her face and I wiped it away. I couldn't leave she was my family, then walked in Aaron and I flipped.

"Get out get out this is your fault"I yelled at the top of my lungs.
"Shay I'm sorry"Aaron said.
"Leave she's dead because of you, get out"I yelled then slapped him across the face.

Aaron turned around and left then I went back to lay with my sister.
I could feel her cold body touching mine.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" I cried then kissed her head.
"I love you" I sobbed.
"Goodbye" I said and kissed her once more.

Dedicated to all the people who have lost a love one and that its okay to cry and that its hard but your not alone and you can do it loved and were loved the dead and passed on R.I.P💙💙💙💙💙💙

~Thx~short chapter~

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