Chapter 15

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Its been two weeks since Aaron told his mom to leave and here I am moving in with Aaron.
I walk into the kitchen with one of my boxes as Aaron is putting dishes away.

"Were should I put this"I ask
"I don't know how about here"Aaron says, throws the box on the kitchen table then lifts me up and sets my on the kitchen counter. Aaron started at my lips then moved to my neck but I put my hand on his chest and pushed away.

"Come on help me unpack" I laughed then kissed him.

By the time we finish unpacking my stuff it was 11:00 so I went to bed early because of school tomorrow ,Aaron was holding me close all night. The next morning I woke up and took Aaron arm off me and hopped in the shower. I was washing my hair when Aaron hopped into the shower with me.

"Aaron what are you doing" I ask.
"I want to spend more time with you before you have to go"Aaron replies.

Aaron kisses me then I kiss him back.
I headed to school and met up with Jake to work on our scince project.

"Now I could be wrong but our project is about chemistry" I say to Jake.
"That just it, there's just no chemistry of me with guys like they just don't feel the conection"Jake cried.
"Can we just focus on the project right now" I ask.
"Oh im sorry are my feeling getting in the way of your work"Jake yells.
"No I didnt mean it that way"I yell to him as he just walks away.

Once I got home I guessed Aaron went on a ride since his motorcycle was gone.
I walked into the house, went to the kichen and started making pasta on the stove.
While I was cooking the smell of some thing burning came like a gust of wind through the kitchen so I turned on the vent fan.

3minutes later...

I was stering the pasta when the smell got stronger then I realized it wasnt my noddles.
I walked out into the hall way facing the front door and felt a hot feeling all over my body so I turned around and saw fire. All the memories of the lakehouse fire came rushing back, it felt like fire was coming from every derection...

Aaron came home and there were police and fireman closeing off the area and people coming around to see whats going on then Aaron tried to get over the yellow police tap.

"Sir, please stay behind the tape for your own safty"said a fire man.
"My girlfriend is in there"yelled Aarom.
"Sir please just stay behind the tape"said the firman again but once the fireman looked away Aaron went under the tape and ran into the house.
"Shay, Shay"Aaron yelled then saw me on the ground pasted out, picked me up and carryed me out of the fire.

"Shay are you okay"Aaron asked in a worried voice.
"Aaron" I ask
"Is that you" I ask again
"Ya its me" Aaron replies
"I'm fine but I would like some water"I say.
"Here you go"said a fireman and handed me a water bottle.
"I'm happy to say that you will be okay but your house not so much"said the fireman.
"Aaron I'm so sorry this is all my falut" I cried.
"This is not your fault" Aaron said rubbing my back then kissed my forehead.
"I believe he's right this is not your fault, it turns out the fire started because one of the window curtians was to close to the heater" said the fireman.

I started walking to the car as the fireman called Aaron back.

"Sir wait, we found this still in good shape"said the fireman then handed It to Aaron. "Congratuetens, you are a very lucky man" said the fireman.
"Thank you"said Aaron then walked away.

2weeks later...

Right now in my life me and Aaron our living with my Aunt and Uncle while me and Aaron are looking at places.
I was watching tv when I get a text from Aaron asking for me to meet him outside,when I step outside I see Aaron on his motorcycle and I hop on.
"Where are we going"I asked.
"On an adventure"Aaron laughed.

We pulled up at the high school and walked over to one of the school walls.

"Aww I remember this spot"I say then countinue.
"It was prom and I told you I chose you then you kissed me"I laughed leaning against the wall.
"Then you left with Carter and that night it felt like I died"Aaron said then I gave him a hug.
"I'm sorry"I said then Aaron grabbed my hand and we hopped on the motorcycle.
"Are we going home now"I asked.
"No our adventure isn't over yet"Aaron said.

We pulled into the parking lot of the café were Aaron took me on the first day of school. We walked in and sat in the same seat like we always do and the waitress took our order that we alway chose, frise and two rootbeer.
Then finally we went to one more stop.

"Aaron what are we doing here"I ask.
"Just a little farther"Aaron said pulling my arm.
"This is were you saved my life just when I thought it was over you pushed me out of the way"Aaron said then started to get on one knee.
"Shay Halliwell will you marry me"Aaron asked.
"Yes"I said and this time I ment it.
"Were engeged" I yelled coming in the front door.

Laura and David were so happy and so was I and that night I fell alsleep next to my husband to be.

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