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There I was laying in Aaron's bed, what was I doing here, I shouldn't be here.
Aaron was still sleeping so I put on my bra, shirt and pants,then climbed out his window to then fall in a bush but got up and ran home.
My phone was going off like crazy, Carter and Aaron were both texting and calling me.
Carter was wondering were I went after coffee yesterday and Aaron was wondering were I went after what we did yesterday.
I called Carter and told him to meet me at the park so we can talk, I had to tell him it wasn't fair to him and inside it was killing me.

I was sitting on the swings when I saw Carter walking towards me from the corner of my eye then sat on the swing next to me.
"Hey what's wrong" Carter asked and grabbed my hand but I pulled away.
"I have to tell you something" I cried.

Once I told Carter he started to cry then knelt down in front of me and grabbed my cold hands.
"Are you lying to me"Carter asked and I said no and cried.
Carter got up and walked away to his car leaving me on the swing.
"We're over you know" Carter yelled.
"I know" I replied in tears.

Auntie Laura dropped me off at school, I felt so unstable and nervous.
I didn't want to talk to Aaron after what happened at his house.
At my locker I told my best friend Shelley what happened this weekend.
I saw Aaron look over at me from his locker and smile but all I did was look away.
Then Carter walked past me and my heart sank, he walked up to Aaron then threw a punch hitting Aaron's face then Aaron hit him back with a punch in the stomach.
Mr.Smith our school principal came and stopped the fight, grabbed them by their shoulders and pulled them into the office.
"Two guys fighting over you wow"Shelley whispered in my ear.
I slammed my locker then walked to class.

Winter Break 3 days until New Year's Eve...

Christmas has past it was my first Christmas with out my family, my aunt and I watched Christmas movies and skyped my uncle on his business trip.
I was laying on my bed my on Instagram when I got a DM from my friend Quin talking about a party for New Years, I thought it would be nice to hang with one of my friends and not any guys so I said yes.
Auntie Laura called me down and said we were going out for dinner, I grabbed my jacket and hopped in the car, put on my seat belt then turned on the radio.
Hello by Adele came on and I started to sing along. Auntie Laura put her hand on top of mine and smiled. After living with my aunt and uncle for the last few months since summer I started to see them more as a mother and father figure.
We hopped out of the car and walked into Red Robins and waited for one of the waitresses to take us to our seat.
After a couple minutes of looking at the
menu a guy came to our table , I looked up to see his name tag. Carter.
"Oh crap"Carter mumbled.
"What can I get you today"Carter asked.
"I'll have a burger and fries"Laura replied.
"And I'll have the caesar salad" I said.
When Carter walked away from our table my Auntie asked if I was okay, I said yes but I didn't mean it.
Once we got home I went up stairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth then get ready for bed. That was the first time I saw Carter outside of school since we broke up and I don't know if I can take seeing him again.

2 more days until New Year's Eve ...

I have no plans today, Laura has work so I plan to lay in bed watching Netflix on my tv.

1 more day until New Year's Eve ...

Auntie Laura walked into my room and dragged me out of bed to go grocery shopping.I got ready and grabbed
a apple from the
kitchen before heading out the door.
There was a red light and then pulled up next to my car was a motorcycle and there
was Aaron. I slouched
down in my seat hoping he couldn't see me.
The light turned green and we drove. I dogged a bullet there.
At the store it took three hours to get what we need.
After getting the food part of shopping me and Auntie Laura went to the mall.
I looked over at the dresses for an hour then I found the one.
It was a darkish blue dress with flowers on it and a light brown braided belt so with some of my Christmas money I bought it and plan to wear it to the party.

New Year's Eve ...

It was New Year's Eve and I'm laying in my bed sleeping in so I can stay up all night with Quin.

7:42 at Quin's door step...

I walked to Quin's door and ring the doorbell then Quin opened the door and pulled me in.
I looked around Quin's
house to see all our classmates from school.
"Quin what the hell is this I thought it was just going to be me and you" I said.
"Well I told you I was having a party" she replied.
"Ya I thought we were having a party" I yelled back at her.
"My parents went to Vegas for New Years okay so we're having a party" Quin said then walked away.

5 more hours until midnight

I looked outside the window and saw it was getting dark then noticed a motorcycle, I looked around the house to see if I could see Aaron.
No Quin would never invite Aaron after I told her what happened but then it hit me
Yes she would.
Then Carter walked up from behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey Shay"Carter said.
"Carter hi um fun party right"I said
"Shay just stop"Carter yelled.
"What I" I said but not finishing my sentence.
Next thing I knew Carters lips were touching mine.
"I miss you"Carter said.
"All go get some drinks" I said and pulled away.
I walked into Quin's kitchen to get some drinks.
"Blue light my favourite too"said Aaron.
"Aaron what are you doing here"I said not really wanting an answer.
"Shay are you avoiding me"Aaron asked.
"No, Aaron what happened at your place was a mistake okay" I yelled then started to walk away but then Aaron grabbed my arm.
"I didn't think it was a mistake, I love you"Aaron said.
I couldn't look at him, I just walked away.

4 minutes until midnight

I grabbed Carters arm and ran up the stairs. We pushed past some people and stood on the balcony. Carter took hold of my waist and kissed my cheek.

5..4..3..2..1 Happy New Year!!

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