Tragedy Makes Him Stronger

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This is a Carl imagine. I hope you like it. I take requests and feedback is always appreciated. Thanks for all the votes and reads❤️.

We walked, hand-in-hand, through the dimly lit forest. The only light we had was the moonlight that fell through the trees. Carl and I were on a search for a creek, a lake even a puddle. Anything we can get clean from. We were both in a desperate need of a shower.

I knew Carl from school and when this apocalypse began, my parents died. His family took me in and I've been with this group ever since. Growing up and going through puberty, Carl was the only boy that was my age. Carl was always attractive but I realized more of his features and characteristics as I fell more in love with him. We have been dating for eight months on an estimate and I've never been so happy.

I was careful with my steps, I really don't feel like being eaten to death by walkers, especially in front of my boyfriend, it would kill him to see that. I lifted my head to look at him. The moonlight was highlighting his face and hair in such a beautiful way. I smiled to myself and squeezed his hand. I heard him giggle and he squeezed my hand back.

Up ahead I saw am open area. What I saw as we got closer made me squeal from excitement. It was a lake. "Carl, look! Over there" I squeaked pointing to the lake. "What are we waiting for? C'mon" Carl stated gripping my hand tighter and running. We ran together and arrived at the lake.

We looked around making sure no walkers were in sight. Once we knew it was clear I said "turn around". "Why?" Carl asked breathily. "I'm getting undressed and just because we are dating and you're my best friend, you're still a boy." I stated. Carl rolled his eyes and turned away.

I stripped down to my bra and underwear and leaped into the lake. Carl jumped in after me, creating a huge splash. "Oh, this feels great" I told him while I rinsed out my hair. "I know right" he said enjoying the water.

We swam for a while, enjoying the peaceful sound of chirping crickets. "Hey, check this out" Carl whisper/ shouted. "What is it?" I asked, swimming over towards him.

As I was swimming towards Carl I paused due to the familiar sound of moaning and rustling. I began to rapidly swam towards Carl. He held me tightly in the water, careful not to move, breath or blink as a walker crossed by us. That's when I felt a tickle in my nose. I was going to sneeze, Carl put his finger under my nose to hopefully stop my sneeze. It went away instantly, he moved his finger and my sneeze came back but this time the sneeze occurred. The walker heard because next thing I knew, a walker was in the water, chasing me as I screamed.

Carl swam out of the water to grab his gun but it was too late. I screeched out in pain as rotting teeth dug into my neck. The walker tore my flesh away. "NNNOOO" Carl screamed grabbing his gun. He shot bullets through its head, letting it collapse into the lake. Carl jumped towards me, pulling me out of the water and holding my head in his lap.

"(Y/N) this is all my fault, if I hadn't moved my hand" Carl said with tears pouring out of his eyes. "Hey, Carl. It's not your fault." I interrupted  with the little oxygen I had. "I love you, forever and always. You know that right?" Carl asked connecting or foreheads. I nodded in response and whispered "I love you too. I need you to shoot me when I turn. Don't hesitate. Don't let me do anything" I said shaking.

He started crying harder. The only other time I saw him cry like this was when he had to shoot his mother.

Carl nodded lightly. Then the world went black. My brain felt a tingle, my heart pumping faster and I opened my eyes with an instant craving for skin and blood.

Carl's POV

I watched as (Y/N)'s eyes turned green and I scooted away, knowing she had turned. The steaming hot tears continued to roll down my face, knowing what I was going to have to do.

I picked up my gun and aimed it at her beautiful head. I whimpered, I didn't want to pull the trigger but I had to. She crawled towards me. "I can't" I cried looking up at the sky. I continued to stare at the sky and whispered "goodbye, I'm sorry". I pulled the trigger hearing the gun shot go off. I looked at the limp, dead walker on the ground and cried.

I heard footsteps but not from a walker, from a person. My dad and Glenn came rushing over to me. "Carl, what happened?" My dad asked. "We heard gunshots" Glenn exclaimed. All I could do was point to my girlfriends body.

They both helped me up. "It's okay. Let it out" dad told me, giving me a big hug. "C'mon buddy" Glenn said, making sure I didn't see (Y/N) as a walker. He wanted me to remember her as she was and not what she became.

This incident didn't destroy me, it made me very sad but stronger. It made me want to beat this world so much more. "I'll win this for you... For me... For us" I told (Y/N) one day when praying. I made a promise and I never break my promises.

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