"You Know Her?"

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This was requested by someone on Instagram.
Imagine: (Ricks POV) 

I helped my son, Carl knock down the door to a house. The prison was in a desperate need of supplies. I took my son with me to maybe show him ropes on what to do.

The door finally fell to the ground and I nodded at Carl, signaling him to enter. He entered ahead of me and I knocked on the wall, trying to get any walkers to come out. After a few minutes, nothing happened.

I fully entered the home and walked towards the kitchen with Carl. I started to search the cabinets when I heard footsteps. I yanked my gun from its holster and so did Carl. We turned to where they were coming from to see a girl, probably around Carl's age. She was holding a gun to us.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?" She asked. I didn't give her a chance to say anything else as I knocked her out with a punch to the head.

"Dad! Why did you do that? That's (Y/N)" Carl declared. "You know her?" I asked as Carl ran over to her unconscious body, pulling her head into his lap. "Yea, I went to school with her. Don't you remember her, I talked about her all the time" Carl answered. "Oh, is this the (Y/N) you had a huge crush on?" I smirked at him. "Maybe" he said, blushing.

"C'mon let's finish getting supplies and because you know her and she's alone we will take her with us" I stated. Carl just sat there as I got up so, I got supplies myself. I was rooting through a cabinet and looked over to see Carl soothingly rubbing her face.

(Y/N) looked clean. She was shorter than Carl and she seemed a little skinny, showing that she hasn't found much to eat. (Y/N) was very pretty though, I can see why Carl had a crush on her.

I finished getting the supplies needed and walked back towards Carl. (Y/N) was still unconscious as I had hoped. I bent down to pick her up when Carl stopped me. "No, I got her dad" Carl protested. He put his arm über her knees and the other around her shoulders. Carl picked her up and carried her out side. "Wow, all that fighting with walkers made you stronger boy" I smiled. Carl smiled back at me and we brought her back to the prison.

(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly opened my eyes, a pounding pain in my head from when someone hit me. However, my eyes did open and to see a boy sitting at the edge of my bed. I scooted back and yelled "who are you and where am I?"  I looked around for a weapon when the boy calmed my down. "(Y/N), don't you remember me?" The boy asked.

He had long brown hair, baby blue eyes and a cute smile. He looked about my age. Then... I remembered exactly who he was. "Carl?" I asked. I got up, watching him nod. I went over to him, standing in front of him. I moved some strands of hair out of his face.

"Carl, I thought I'd never see you again" I cried then leaped on top of him, hugging and squeezing the air out of his lungs. "Me neither" he sighed, hugging me back. "Before we have you meet everyone, I wanted to tell you back in fourth grade but I was too embarrassed. I had a crush on you but don't worry I'm over it, I just needed to tell you" Carl told me as I sat in his lap. He was clearly lying, he still likes me. "I liked you too but I'm not over it" I said before pressing my lips to his.

Carl was taken aback but melted into it. The kiss started to get a little heated but we didn't get to do anything else because we heard the cheers of what I'm assuming was his group. I pulled away with a smile on my face. "My boy got his first kiss" Carl's dad, Rick hollered. I blushed wickedly. "Glad you did that, I wasn't over you at all" Carl whispered to me as the group continued embarrassing us. "I know" I smiled at him and pecked his lips quickly.

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