We Meet

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A/N: - Bold lettering signifies when we are in Tales from the Borderlands

- Regular lettering is the past, retelling Hollis story with Jack.

Enjoy guys!

"I still don't understand why you came to help us." Rhys mutters as I sit in the backseat of Vasquez's amazing, new car.

"We don't even know you." Vaughn seconds.

"I know both of you. Very well." I say in my most intimidating voice.

I know I'm not intimidating, and I'm the least of their problems, especially here on Pandora, but they don't need to know that. To them, I'm some tough Hyperion chick ready to take on anything. Really, I'm Pandoran. Even though it doesn't feel like that anymore. I've been on the Helios space station for 7 years.

"We're here." Vaughn whispers.

"Don't be such a pussy, Vaughn." I grunt, getting out of the car.

We're about to walk into this grubby looking, run down building, and upon walking in, we see a blonde boy and a beautiful colored girl.

I, on the other hand, go outside. To keep guard is what I tell them but really, it was to get a good look at Pandora again. I miss it here. Even with all the skaggs and bandits, the low life psychos, none of that mattered. I especially miss my sister. Athena.

"Run! Run!" I hear Rhys shout from behind me.

"Huh?" I ask, whipping around.

I see a long, slender person, in a black suit, their face covered.

"Zero?" I whisper, Rhys grabbing onto my arm and throwing me into some random caravan.

Rhys was weak, his grip on me was little to nothing, compared to what I've felt in the past at least. Something about Rhys made me... Warm inside though. Maybe it was his looks.. Or maybe even the dumb things he says. It makes him adorable.

After about five minutes of trying to hit wire the car, two women and an older man come in.

"You're trying to commandeer our caravan?!" A younger, white female shouts.

The colored woman slams my chest into the wall and the other grabs Rhys, Vaughn and the older man just having a stare down.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"We need the money back! We can help you track it, alright?"

"Track it?" I ask Rhys.

"Well, Yvette hasn't been answering so I can hack this little dodad that Nakayama made, hack Hyperion systems. He was a powerful guy."

I roll my eyes, only vaguely remembering Jack talk of Nakayama, he to me wasn't an essential part of Jacks plans. So I figure no harm can be done.

The black women lets go of me and switched places with her friend, grabbing onto Rhys and opening the door of the caravan.

"You better figure it out soon, or you'll die from the fall!" She shouts.

Immediately, Rhys plunges the drive into his head, passing out and lunging forward onto the girls foot.

"Rhys!" I shout, Vaughn still frozen at the situation.

I run up to Rhys and grip at his chest.

"He's breathing. Just. Please. Back away."

"That. You're. Me. Disappointed." Rhys begins mumbling all sorts of words.

"Is he going to be helpful, or not?"

"Sasha, come on.. Don't be so rude."

"Fiona, we need-"

Before Sasha could finish her sentence, Rhys was coming to, and finally Vaughn slunk beside us.

"You okay? You were talking kind of gibberish. I mean they were words but, weird ones." Vaughn asks.

"I'm fine guys. I'm cool. And I know exactly where the money is." Rhys smiles.

"Coordinates. Now." Sasha says sternly and Rhys doesn't hesitate.

"Alright. It'll be about 30 minutes until we arrive."

"Great." I grunt, sitting far away in the back of the caravan.

"What's up her ass?" Fiona chuckles.

I stand up and want to lunge at her, but I hold back.

"What's wrong with me?! I have a debt to repay and it's going to shit! That's what's wrong with me!"

"A debt to who? That Vasquez guy?"

"No." I say, curling my tongue.

"She has a debt to repay to Handsome Jack." Rhys says like the idiot he is.

Suddenly, we're both once again pressed to the wall.

"If you kill us-" I interrupt Fiona immediately.

"It isn't a real debt. The guys dead. I just feel like I owe him. Rhys is here for a completely different reason, in fact we all are. I don't kill people like Jack did. I'm not an enemy, I promise you, I'm here to help. I just need to find a vault. In mourning."

"You mourn for Jack? You're crazy." Fiona grunts, letting me go.

"I'm keeping my god damn eye on you."

She says, her pistol tucked into her sleeve.

"Why?" She asks, walking away.

"Why what?"

"Why do you feel like you owe him? How do you even know him?"

"It's a long story."

"We've got some time." Rhys says quietly, I know he was curious too.


I woke up in a strange smelling room, but my eyes were hard to open. When they did though, I couldn't believe them. I was in a large room, a beautiful one at that, with a beautiful view of Pandora... Wait... Pandora?! Where the fuck was I?

"Oh. Good. You're awake. That'll be all, code monkey." I hear someone say.

I tried to look around but suddenly realized I had restraints around my body and an IV in my arm.

I screamed a little, and I really wished I could've cried, but the drugs that were inside of me made me unnervingly calm.

"Hey kiddo." The man said before coming into my view.

As soon as I saw him, I wiggled a little, but not enough to signify the terror that was fueling inside of me. It was the guy that hired my sister a few years back.

"I need you for leverage. If that's alright."

I couldn't protest anything. The guy literally was pumping me with some strange chill pills.

"Good!" He shouted, smacking his palms to his knees.

"Welcome to Helios baby! I'll be your tour guide on this extravagant endeavor! The names Jack. Handsome Jack. Great intro, right?!"

A Handsome Tale (Handsome Jack X OC)Where stories live. Discover now