The Rebuild

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I woke up from that harsh blow to the head with nothing, no one. Not even Rhys was still around. I was starving, bleeding, and in incredible need for medical attention, so, with my best instincts, I made my way back to that old Atlas facility where we met Dr. Cassius. Luckily for me, I was helped out by some silent Psycho. Who didn't try to eat my face. He drove me all the way to where I needed to be, and that's also when Dr. Cassius told me,

"Yes, Rhys is now the president of Atlas. Something about Jacks old belongings. He found the deed. But, some stranger came here and took him away, he's been gone for days. Frankly, my dear, I'm astonished that you survived. According to your vitals you've been out for months... Nearly four." He smiles warmly and begins to wrap my ribs.

I was freezing, in nothing but my bra and leggings. I feel a hot blanket being wrapped around my shoulders before Cassius plunges an IV into my arm.

"I don't quite understand my body, either. Atlas was trying to figure out exactly what I am." I chuckle, wincing as my veins are pumped with fluid.

"Well, that's silly, they should've just come to me... It's hard to tell.. But.. In black light..." Cassius shut off all of the fluorescents and shines a black light onto my skin.

And I was in... Shock... I had beautiful markings all along my collar bone, down my right arm and covering my entire hand, brushed along my rib and stopping at my hip.

"I'm a siren." I whisper.

"You're very lucky that your marks are hidden. People tend to abuse a sirens powers."

"I'm a siren!" I shout, clapping and jumping upward, only to realize that it really fucking hurt.

"Just kidding..." I chuckle, laying back down.

"Hey Cassius?"

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Can we just... Keep that between you and-and me?" I clench my teeth, waiting for an answer.

Cassius raises a brow and smiles,

"It's not my secret to tell."

"Thank you." I mutter, feeling the pain meds kick in before falling asleep.

Waking up this time wasn't as graceful... I was in the bed of a truck, my IV still attached to me.

I look up and notice the same silent psycho as before and one of Vallorys fuck heads. Kroger. Damn pretty boy.

The psycho had his wrists tied and yet I had no restraints. Probably because I'm hopped up on drugs.

The truck comes to a hard stop and I fly into the cab, hitting my head sharply on the window.

"Holy shit. Hey!" I scream, pounding my fist to the glass to let Kroger know he's driving like a dick.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asks, rolling his eyes as he gets out to grab me and the random dude beside me.

Kroger opens the truck bed and whistles for us to get out.

"Yeah... Okay..." I say, trying my best to get up, but no luck, I had to tear out my IV.

I groan as I feel the needle come free and I walk up to Kroger, weak.

When I step out I see a man near the steps to a building, he had on a weird mask and hat, a trench coat over his shoulders and a large gun in his hands.

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