Lost Friends

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"So... He just... Let her die." Rhys mumbles, everyone's heads hanging in mourning.

"Yeah." I mumble, the memory bringing tears to my eyes.

"Just goes to show how fucked up he really was." Athena grumbles.

Everyone glares at her.

"What?! He killed her! Kidnapped my sister and she ended going crazy and falling in lo-" I rush to her and slam her into the wall, my forearm to her throat.

"I wasn't crazy for loving him. He was smart, beautiful, kind to me, loving and caring. He loved me back. It's not a controllable feeling." I grunt, letting her go as she gasps for breath.

In anger, I walk up to the roof, loader bot and Gortys huddled next to each other.

I wave to them and sit far away from anyone's contact. I hear the roof door unhinge and I can just sense that it's Rhys.

"What?" I growl.

"You know... Athena probably just mad that it's been so long and you never contacted her because you cared more about Jack." He had a good point.

Rhys sits beside me and smiles.

"But, I understand what it's like to, well, at least look up to Jack." Rhys awkwardly puts his body against mine and I furrow my brows.

Why the hell did I have butterflies?

I wiggle my butt, getting comfortable before laying my head on his shoulder. With the confirmation of my body language, Rhys wraps his bionic arm around me.

"Don't let anyone get to you." Suddenly, out of no where, I felt Rhys' lips swivel into my hair, kissing my head.

Quickly, Rhys jumps far away and screams.

"What?!" I shout, scooting far away from him as well.

"No... Nothing." Rhys giggles, staying far from me.

"Actually.." Rhys takes a deep breath.

"I have to tell you that Jack-" Rhys' bionic arm slaps his face again.

"What? What about Jack?!" I curl my lip, and finally, I put two and... Well.. 100 and 100 together.

Nakiyama, my echo eye, his drive, Rhys freak outs, Rhys' use of Jacks words, his uncontrollable arm and him trying to plug our echos together.

But I was going to play this off. Smoothly. Jack somehow existed in Rhys and didn't want me to know. I betrayed him.

I crawl up to Rhys, cupping his face in my palms and gently caress his skin.

"Rhys? Are you alright?" I ask calmly, putting my forehead to his.

"Oh god! Please don't!" Rhys groans, whipping his head back.

"What's happening?" I hear Gortys mutter.

"I think they're mating." Loader Bot retorts.

Rhys' bionic arm grabs tightly on the back of my shirt, lifting me from him, the strongest it's ever been.

This wasn't a fight with Rhys, this was a fight with Jack.

"Rhys, look at me." I demand, leaning down to put my lips against his.

As soon as or skin graces one another's, I'm almost completely flung off of the caravan.

A Handsome Tale (Handsome Jack X OC)Where stories live. Discover now