Saving Ten

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I tossed and I turned in bed, I'd give anything to find Ten. I wasn't even really sure what it was but I needed to help her.

"Would you.. Quit! Moving!" Jack roars and pushes me out of the bed.

"Jesus! Ow! You know, I'm still made of flesh! And BONES!" I grab the edge of the bed and rub my hip.

"Mr... Jack... Sir." A deep mans voice boomed throughout the office and Jack stirred around, getting out of the bed immediately and slamming the door shut in my face.

I press my ear against the door and listen to the conversation as best I can.

"You're telling me there's no way those hit her?! Well where is she?! Is Angel still eating?! Okay well then... Shut it! Wallet head." I hear Jack punch the guy in the face and I hear his body this to the ground.

"I'm going to go talk to Angel, in the mean time, you fix your mistake!" And with that, the gust of wind whistled from his office doors opening.

The man outside of the door grunts and I can tell he's struggling to get up.

I take in a deep breath and open the door, walking out in front of him.

He eyeballs me, indefinitely, and his hair was thinning. Looks like he had some implants in his head. I notice a few dollar bills on the ground.

"Uh..." I mutter, picking them up.

"Give those to me!" He shouts, pulling them from my hands.

"They're special, it's our thing!"

I smile at him as he stuffs the money in his pocket. I had no clue what he was talking about but he just glared at me.

"Who are you? Your hair is purple. Why? What are you Pando-" I cover his mouth with my hand and shush him.

I put his chest close onto mine and bite my lip.

"Bring me to the prison? Huh?" I ask, winking at him.

"I... I don't know." He mutters.

Before he could say anything else I give him a big wet kiss on the lips, the things I did for Ten...

"Come on, baby." I beg.

This guy was an idiot and desperate.

"Alright but you don't tell anyone." He says, shaking his finger at me.

"I don't think anyone will notice." I shrug.

Like I said before, no one at Hyperion knew I existed.

"Hugo." He says, shaking my hand.

"Uh... Jess?" I respond, giving him my fake name.

He walks me out of Jacks office nonchalantly and five hallways, six base checks and 8 doors later, were at the gates for the prison.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squeal, turning around and giving... Well... Vasquez a huge, tight, hug.

"No...problem...." He struggled to breathe.

"Hey why were you in Jacks office anyways?" He asks.

"Hey, wait a minute! Secu-" before he could call attention to me by any guards, I round house him in the stomach, and give a swift kick across his face.

Needless to say, I instantly knocked out Vasquez.

I begin racing down the cell corridors, noticing psychos in some cells just fighting each other to the death. It was creepy as hell in that place.

Finally, I find Tens cell, only nothing was in there besides her gun.

"Ten?" I whisper around.

"Ten?!" I shout a little louder, someone's hand wrapping my mouth almost instantaneously.

"Shut! Up!" I hear Ten whisper, pulling me back into a hidden crevice of a wall.

"Holy shit! You're alive!" I sigh in relief, keeping my voice down even though I felt like shrieking.

"Not for long if I don't find a way out of here." She looks down at the ground and shuffles her feet.

"Why didn't you grab your gun?" I ask.

"It wasn't involved in my escape plan."

I look around the wall into the corridor where I notice Vasquez's limp body.

"I know my way back. And I think I know how to get there." I say with a grin, running to Hugo's body and stealing his ID badge.

"Are you crazy?!" Ten asks.

I chuckle at her and smile.

"Are you not?"

Ten shrugs back at me and we run out of the prison together, going back those 6 doors until we reach the lobby of Hyperion.

"You need to get onto a shuttle now. I'll calibrate one with Vasquez's card." Before I could even speak another sentence, I feel Tens arms wrapped around me.

"You're going to pay for this, you know that, right?" She whispers, I think I could feel her chin trembling. Was she scared for me?

"I know." I smile weakly at her and drag her arm down what I assumed was a launch station.

As soon as everything was set up, she popped into a shuttle, ready to get back down to Pandora and tell everyone I had died a second time.

"You! Little! Bitch!" Jacks voice is loud and noticeable, and as he raced toward the shuttle Ten was now leaving in, he was too late to stop it.

"What the hell am I going to do with you?!" Jack barks, grabbing my shoulders and rushing me into an elevator.

The moment felt all too familiar.

Before the doors closed I could see Ten struggle with her shuttle, trying to come back to save me.

Jacks grip on my shoulders tightened and I couldn't stand up anymore, my knees gave out and I could feel tears form in the corners of my eyes.

"Jack, you're hurting me." I whimper.

"And I'm not going to stop there, sweetheart." He growls, pressing me harder into the other side of the elevator.

I can fill the floor lift as we are dragged to the top floor. As soon as the doors open Ack shoves me to the ground and I slide along the floor, landing at a few Hyperion corporate feet.

"What are you looking at?! Get out! Now!" Jack shouts to the men above me who scurry away like I wasn't being thrown around.

"Jack. Please..." I grunt, trying to get up off of the ground.

"Why-" He responded with a kick to my stomach.

"Do you-" he kicks me again.

"Go against MY orders?!" And again.

By the time he finished shoving the tip of his boot into my abdomen, I couldn't speak, but I could still grab.

Before he kicks me again I get hold of his ankle, my strength was unlike any other even when I was weak. I twist my hand, cause Jacks ankle to twist the same way and he falls to the ground with a scream.

"Son of a-" Jack lifts himself up above me and I punch him in the face, feeling his body fall limp onto mine.

I feel my hair being tugged, Jack pulling me on top of him and punching me backward off of him. I look over to him, a good 5 feet from me, as he rises from his position and limps over to me.

I can see his face cringe every time he takes a step forward. He was in pain.

"I think that's enough." Jack says, leaning down to help me up, offering me his hand.

I look at t in question and take it and surprisingly he lifts me over his shoulder and slaps my ass so hard I can feel it welting.

"I've got to tie you up again, I hope you realize that, pumpkin."


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