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When we arrived back to Hyperion, who I now know was Rhys greeted us, grabbed my arms and lead me away into Jacks office. Jack, to me, really liked Rhys. I'm not sure what it was but he hardly knew him and yet trusted him with.. Me.

Rhys sat me down and scurried away, Jack off to do some business down in the lobby. I could hear cheering, Jacks booming voice, and I felt lonely. No one knew me, knew I was here and if they did, maybe Jack would have my head.

I walk over to the window, staring down onto Pandora and realizing just how beautiful it really was, the view was, Jacks office was built for a king.


The computer glitches, and I jump, turning around to see a pixelated image of a girl. A young girl, very young.

"Nisha? Is that- yyyyy"

I go to Jacks computer, fidgeting slightly with some keys, trying anything, when suddenly the image clears. A beautiful siren on the screen.

"Holy shit." I whisper.

"The only Siren I've ever met was Lilith! This is so amazing!" I giggle.

"You're not Nisha... Where's my father?! What have you done to him?!" She asks angrily.

I hold my hands up as if I were caught.

"This is the only civil interaction I've gotten besides being shot at, so please, spare me." I say with a chummy smile.

"You tell me what you did to him right now or I-"

"I don't even know who your dad is!"

"Bullshit! Handsome Jack?! Like you've never heard of him!" She screams.

"Handsome.. He's your.. Dad?" I ask with a chuckle.

"And what's so funny?" She growls.

"Nothing, just... He's a dad. Wow."

"Who are you?"

"I don't know, a captive of your dads. But, I think I'd consider us friends." I smile at the thought of Jack.

"Dumb. That's dumb. You're dumb. Idiot. You're not FRIENDS. Jack is incapable of emotion and friends. I'm his captive too, and I'm his daughter. He has no regard to anyone aside from Nisha. My advice? Get out. Now."

"Nisha? Oh god, Ni-"

"His girlfriend." With that, she hung up.

Was she even there to tell Jack anything important?

"Holli?" Jacks voice makes me jolt.

He rushes up to the computer, looking at the black screen curiously and looks back at me.

"I brought you food." He says, the tray falling hard onto the desk.

Holy shit I had a zillion questions.

Jack rubs his eyes and walks off to the bedroom.

"Wait where do I slee-"

"In my bed." He grunts as if I were stupid to ask.

He has a girlfriend and a daughter. I get he kidnapped me but isn't that something you'd tell a friend? Maybe his daughter was right. Maybe we're not friends.

"Jack?" I whisper, poking my food with a fork and then walking toward the bedroom with him.

"I swear to god, Holli, if you ask me another dumb question I will make you sleep on the floor. As if you didn't ruin my whole plan, but now they don't trust you! You're almost useless to me!"

How do I word this without pissing him off?

"Then get rid of me."

Jack smiles up at me and takes my neck in his hand and shoves me into the nearest wall.

I pry at his hand, digging my nails into him.

"Listen, kitten, I..." Jack lets go of me and I gasp for air, falling to the ground.

"You what?!" I ask, disgusted at his action.

"Just get into bed. I don't want to get rid of you. You're strong. You have more uses to me than just one. Doesn't make me any less pissed about your mistake though."

Jack kicks off his boots and crawls onto the bed, casual Jack wasn't something I thought I'd ever see. I chuckle as Jack closes his eyes.

"What is so funny?! Seriously! Do you just laugh at everything?!"

"It's just funny.. I didn't know you could relax."

"In more ways than just one, sweetheart." He says lowly.

I shuffle my feet around, really debating whether or not to take the floor, but I feel Jacks hand grip onto my wrist.

"Come down here, Holli."

I do what he says and I sit down on the bed.

"Lay down."

"Oooookay?" I say, laying down beside him.

My body was stiff and I gripped tightly onto the sheets. Suddenly, I felt jacks hand push me onto my side, my back toward him.

He began to gently stroke my arm, my skin rising with goosebumps. His body got closer to mine and it was the first time I had ever felt short, his chin resting on the top of my head.

He nudges his nose into my hair and sighs.

"Loosen up." He whispers into my ear.

I felt his lips part as he yawned, Jacks breath tickling my lobe.

"Fuck." I whisper, trying hard not to play out exactly how I wanted this to go.

"Hm? Is that what you want, kitten?" Jack chuckles.

As soon as his lips kiss my neck I squirm out of bed.

"No! You have a girlfriend!"

"You little bitch, I knew it!"

"Wait, what?!" Jack gets up, laughing.

"You... Seriously thought I'd let you sleep in bed with me?! 1, way wrong. So wrong! 2. I knew you looked at my computer! Have a talk with Angel, did ya?! 3. I do not have a girlfriend, she's an ex and a very close interest... I'm not really over her and.. Any-anyway! 4. I don't like being lied to sweetheart. Not one bit." Jack comes up to me and begins tying my hands behind my back.

"Hey! Hey!" I scream as he pops more pills into my mouth. The taste of his fingers were sweet.

"It would be silly for me to tie you up and NOT lessen your power I mean, you'd just be able to break out of those ropes and that's just silly. I'd be contradicting myself!"

"Jack! Don't tie me up! She came onto screen I didn't try to talk to her!"


I sigh heavily and start to cry.

"Angel was right, we're NOT friends."

"Oh, come on, kiddo. We're friends." Jack smiles, leaning down and smacking my cheek harder than a pat.

"I just don't like you knowing everything about me."

"And whys that?" I ask through gritted teeth, not even wanting to know the answer.

"Because then we wouldn't be friends."

Well that's vague.

A Handsome Tale (Handsome Jack X OC)Where stories live. Discover now